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There are 15 words containing 2E, G, N, O, 2T and W

COUNTERWEIGHTcounterweight n. A heavy mass of often iron or concrete, mechanically linked in opposition to a load which is to be raised…
counterweight v. (Transitive) To fit with a counterweight.
COUNTERWEIGHT v. to balance with an equivalent weight or force.
COUNTERWEIGHTEDcounterweighted v. Simple past tense and past participle of counterweight.
COUNTERWEIGHT v. to balance with an equivalent weight or force.
COUNTERWEIGHTScounterweights n. Plural of counterweight.
COUNTERWEIGHT v. to balance with an equivalent weight or force.
CRINGEWORTHIESTCRINGEWORTHY adj. causing extreme embarrassment.
OUTSWEETENINGoutsweetening v. Present participle of outsweeten.
OUTSWEETEN v. to surpass in sweetness.
OVERWETTINGoverwetting v. Present participle of overwet.
OVERWET v. to wet too much.
TWENTYSOMETHINGtwentysomething n. A person whose age is between twenty and twenty-nine years, inclusive; someone in their twenties.
twentysomething num. Between twenty and thirty.
twenty-something num. Alternative form of twentysomething.
WAGGONETTEwaggonette n. Alternative form of wagonette.
WAGGONETTE n. a carriage with one crosswise seat in front, two seats in back, also WAGONETTE.
WAGGONETTESwaggonettes n. Plural of waggonette.
WAGGONETTE n. a carriage with one crosswise seat in front, two seats in back, also WAGONETTE.
WAGONETTEwagonette n. A kind of pleasure wagon, uncovered and with seats extended along the sides, designed to carry six or…
WAGONETTE n. a carriage with one crosswise seat in front, two seats in back, also WAGGONETTE.
WAGONETTESwagonettes n. Plural of wagonette.
WAGONETTE n. a carriage with one crosswise seat in front, two seats in back, also WAGGONETTE.
WITENAGEMOTwitenagemot n. (History, usually uncountable, sometimes countable) Any of several assemblies which existed in Anglo-Saxon…
witenagemot n. (History, countable) A specific session of such an assembly.
WITENAGEMOT n. (Old English) an early English national council, also WITENAGEMOTE.
WITENAGEMOTEwitenagemote n. Alternative form of witenagemot.
WITENAGEMOTE n. (Old English) an early English national council, also WITENAGEMOT.
WITENAGEMOTESwitenagemotes n. Plural of witenagemote.
WITENAGEMOTE n. (Old English) an early English national council, also WITENAGEMOT.
WITENAGEMOTSwitenagemots n. Plural of witenagemot.
WITENAGEMOT n. (Old English) an early English national council, also WITENAGEMOTE.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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See this list for:

  • English Wiktionary: 446 words
  • Scrabble in French: 2 words
  • Scrabble in Spanish: no word
  • Scrabble in Italian: no word
  • Scrabble in German: 3 words
  • Scrabble in Romanian: no word

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