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List of 13-letter words containing

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There are 19 thirteen-letter words containing 2E, 2I, M, N, T and V

CIRCUMVENTIVEcircumventive adj. Evading or overcoming some protective measure.
CIRCUMVENTIVE adj. deceiving by artifices.
DENOMINATIVESdenominatives n. Plural of denominative.
DENOMINATIVE n. a word derived from a noun or adjective.
DETERMINATIVEdeterminative n. (Linguistics) An ideogram used to mark semantic categories of words in logographic scripts.
determinative n. (Grammar) A member of a class of words functioning in a noun phrase to identify or distinguish a referent…
determinative adj. (Law) Sufficient to decide something (such as a question of fact or of law).
DISINVESTMENTdisinvestment n. The process of disinvesting; negative investment.
DISINVESTMENT n. consumption of capital.
DISSEMINATIVEdisseminative adj. Tending to disseminate, or to become disseminated.
DISSEMINATIVE adj. serving to disseminate.
DIVERTIMENTOSdivertimentos n. Plural of divertimento.
DIVERTIMENTO n. (Italian) a genre of 18th century chamber music having several short movements.
DIVERTISEMENTdivertisement n. (Archaic) diversion; amusement; recreation.
DIVERTISEMENT n. a diversion; a divertimento.
EXTERMINATIVEexterminative adj. Serving to exterminate; exterminatory.
EXTERMINATIVE adj. related to extermination.
IMITATIVENESSimitativeness n. The state of being imitative; imitation.
IMITATIVE n. inclined to imitate; formed after a model.
INVEIGLEMENTSinveiglements n. Plural of inveiglement.
INVEIGLEMENT n. the act of inveigling.
LIVESTREAMINGlivestreaming v. Present participle of livestream.
live-streaming v. Present participle of live-stream.
LIVESTREAM v. to broadcast (an event) on the internet as it happens.
MANIFESTATIVEmanifestative adj. Relating to manifestation.
MANIFESTATIVE adj. serving to manifest.
PRIMITIVENESSprimitiveness n. The quality or state of being primitive.
PRIMITIVENESS n. the state of being primitive.
PRIMOGENITIVEprimogenitive n. (Obsolete) primogeniture.
PRIMOGENITIVE n. (Shakespeare) primogeniture, also PRIMOGENITURE.
RECRIMINATIVErecriminative adj. Recriminatory.
RECRIMINATIVE adj. relating to recrimination.
TERMINATIVELYterminatively adv. So as to terminate; terminatingly.
TERMINATIVE adv. expressive of completion.
UNCOMPETITIVEuncompetitive adj. That does not involve competition; not competitive.
UNCOMPETITIVE adj. not competitive.
VAGINECTOMIESvaginectomies n. Plural of vaginectomy.
VAGINECTOMY n. surgical excision of the vagina.
VEGETARIANISMvegetarianism n. The practice of following a vegetarian diet.
Vegetarianism n. Obsolete spelling of vegetarianism.
VEGETARIANISM n. the theory or practice of living on a vegetarian diet.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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See this list for:

  • English Wiktionary: 77 words
  • Scrabble in French: 42 words
  • Scrabble in Spanish: 47 words
  • Scrabble in Italian: 120 words
  • Scrabble in German: no word
  • Scrabble in Romanian: 77 words

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