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There are 14 words containing E, R, 2S, 2U and X

AUTOEXPOSURESAUTOEXPOSURE n. a system for automatically adjusting the aperture and/or shutter speed of a camera according to the lighting conditions.
EXCURSUSexcursus n. A fuller treatment (in a separate section) of a particular part of the text of a book, especially a classic.
excursus n. A narrative digression, especially to discuss a particular issue.
EXCURSUS n. (Latin) a dissertation or discussion on some particular matter appended to the main body of a book or chapter.
EXCURSUSESexcursuses n. Plural of excursus.
EXCURSUS n. (Latin) a dissertation or discussion on some particular matter appended to the main body of a book or chapter.
LUXURIOUSNESSluxuriousness n. The state or property of being luxurious, of being expensive or indulgently pleasant.
LUXURIOUS n. enjoying or indulging in luxury.
LUXURIOUSNESSESluxuriousnesses n. Plural of luxuriousness.
LUXURIOUSNESS n. LUXURIOUS, enjoying or indulging in luxury.
SUPERFLUXESsuperfluxes n. Plural of superflux.
SUPERFLUX n. (Shakespeare) superfluity.
SUPERLUXURIESsuperluxuries n. Plural of superluxury.
SUPERLUXURY n. extreme luxury.
SUPERLUXURIOUSsuperluxurious adj. Exceptionally luxurious.
SUPERLUXURIOUS adj. very luxurious.
SUPERSEXUALITYsupersexuality n. The quality of being supersexual.
SUPERSEXUALITY n. exceptional sexuality.
TROUSSEAUXtrousseaux n. Plural of trousseau.
TROUSSEAU n. (French) clothes collected by a bride for her marriage.
UBERSEXUALSubersexuals n. Plural of ubersexual.
übersexuals n. Plural of übersexual.
UBERSEXUAL n. a male who is similar to a metrosexual but displays the traditional manly qualities such as confidence, strength etc.
UNDEREXPOSURESunderexposures n. Plural of underexposure.
UNDEREXPOSURE n. insufficient exposure.
UXORIOUSNESSuxoriousness n. Overt devotion or submissiveness to one’s wife.
UXORIOUSNESS n. the state of being uxorious.
UXORIOUSNESSESUXORIOUSNESS n. the state of being uxorious.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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