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There are 18 words containing E, O, R and 4T

ATTESTATORATTESTATOR n. one who attests.
OUTTROTTEDouttrotted v. Simple past tense and past participle of outtrot.
OUTTROT v. to surpass in trotting.
TETRAPTOTEtetraptote n. (Grammar) A noun that has four cases.
TETRAPTOTE n. a noun that has four grammatical cases only.
TOTTERIESTtotteriest adj. Superlative form of tottery: most tottery.
TOTTERY adj. shaky.
TETRAPTOTEStetraptotes n. Plural of tetraptote.
TETRAPTOTE n. a noun that has four grammatical cases only.
INTROMITTENTintromittent adj. (Biology) Conveying, sending or passing into a body.
intromittent adj. Used for intromission.
INTROMITTENT adj. adapted for insertion, esp. zoologically, in copulation.
POSTTREATMENTposttreatment adj. Following treatment.
POSTTREATMENT n. any treatment given after an injury, incident, etc.
THERMOSTATTEDthermostatted adj. Equipped with a thermostat.
THERMOSTAT v. to provide with or control the temperature of by a thermostat, a device for keeping temperature stead.
POSTTREATMENTSPOSTTREATMENT n. any treatment given after an injury, incident, etc.
QUATTROCENTISTquattrocentist n. (Art) An artist of the 1400s, the fifteenth-century Renaissance Italian period.
QUATTROCENTIST n. an artist who flourished in the fifteenth century in reference to Italian art and literature.
RESTITUTIONISTRESTITUTIONIST n. a believer in restitutionism.
THERMOSTATTINGTHERMOSTAT v. to provide with or control the temperature of by a thermostat, a device for keeping temperature stead.
TRUSTWORTHIESTtrustworthiest adj. Superlative form of trustworthy: most trustworthy.
TRUSTWORTHY adj. worthy of confidence.
CHEMOATTRACTANTchemoattractant n. A substance inducing positive chemotaxis in motile cells.
CHEMOATTRACTANT n. a chemical which provokes a chemotactic movement of e.g. cells or bacteria towards its area of highest concentration.
PHOTOTYPESETTERphototypesetter n. A machine used in phototypesetting.
phototypesetter n. One who phototypesets for their work.
PHOTOTYPESETTER n. one who does phototypesetting.
QUATTROCENTISTSquattrocentists n. Plural of quattrocentist.
QUATTROCENTIST n. an artist who flourished in the fifteenth century in reference to Italian art and literature.
RESTITUTIONISTSRESTITUTIONIST n. a believer in restitutionism.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the 1Word.ws and WikWik.org.

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