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There are 14 words containing E, M, O, R and 3U

NEUROHUMOURneurohumour n. Alternative form of neurohumor.
NEUROHUMOUR n. a neurohormone, esp. a neurotransmitter, also NEUROHUMOR.
OUTHUMOUREDouthumoured v. Simple past tense and past participle of outhumour.
OUTHUMOUR v. to surpass in humoring, also OUTHUMOR.
UNTREMULOUSuntremulous adj. Not tremulous.
UNTREMULOUS adj. not tremulous.
EQUINUMEROUSequinumerous adj. (Mathematics) Having equal cardinality.
EQUINUMEROUS adj. having the same number of members.
MUCOPURULENTmucopurulent adj. (Medicine) Characterized by mucus and pus.
MUCOPURULENT adj. containing a mixture of mucus and pus.
NEUROHUMOURSneurohumours n. Plural of neurohumour.
NEUROHUMOUR n. a neurohormone, esp. a neurotransmitter, also NEUROHUMOR.
PRESUMPTUOUSpresumptuous adj. Going beyond what is right, proper, or appropriate because of an excess of self-confidence or arrogance.
PRESUMPTUOUS adj. overstepping due bounds (as of propriety or courtesy).
SUBOPERCULUMsuboperculum n. (Anatomy) The lower opercular bone in fishes.
SUBOPERCULUM n. in fishes, a bone below and partly behind the gill cover.
NEUROMUSCULARneuromuscular adj. (Anatomy) Pertaining to the voluntary or reflexive control of muscles by nerves.
NEUROMUSCULAR adj. of or relating to nerves and muscles.
SUBOPERCULUMSSUBOPERCULUM n. in fishes, a bone below and partly behind the gill cover.
PRESUMPTUOUSLYpresumptuously adv. In a presumptuous manner; arrogantly.
PRESUMPTUOUS adv. overstepping due bounds (as of propriety or courtesy).
UNPRESUMPTUOUSunpresumptuous adj. Not presumptuous; modest.
UNPRESUMPTUOUS adj. not presumptuous.
UNSURMOUNTABLEunsurmountable adj. (Archaic, rare) insurmountable.
UNSURMOUNTABLE adj. not surmountable.
RUMBUSTIOUSNESSrumbustiousness n. The state or condition of being rumbustious.
RUMBUSTIOUSNESS n. the state of being rumbustious.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the 1Word.ws and WikWik.org.

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