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There are 13 words containing E, M, N, P, R, U and V

IMPERVIOUSNESSimperviousness n. The state of being impervious.
IMPERVIOUS n. not allowing entrance or passage, also IMPERVIABLE.
OVERCONSUMPTIONoverconsumption n. Excessive consumption.
over-consumption n. An excessive level of consumption.
OVERCONSUMPTION n. excessive consumption.
OVERJUMPINGoverjumping v. Present participle of overjump.
OVERJUMP v. to jump too far.
OVERMULTIPLYINGovermultiplying v. Present participle of overmultiply.
OVERMULTIPLY v. to become too numerous.
OVERPUMPINGoverpumping v. Present participle of overpump.
OVERPUMP v. to pump to excess.
OVERTRUMPINGovertrumping v. Present participle of overtrump.
OVERTRUMP v. to trump with a higher card than the trump already played.
PRESUMPTIVENESSpresumptiveness n. The condition of being presumptive.
PRESUMPTIVENESS n. the state of being presumptive.
SUPERGOVERNMENTsupergovernment n. A government formed from the union of multiple lesser governments.
SUPERGOVERNMENT n. government above other governments.
TRANSUMPTIVEtransumptive adj. Metaphorical.
transumptive adj. Transferred from one to another.
TRANSUMPTIVE adj. transferred; metaphorical.
UNCOMPREHENSIVEuncomprehensive adj. (Archaic) Unable to comprehend.
uncomprehensive adj. (Obsolete) incomprehensible.
UNCOMPREHENSIVE adj. not comprehensive.
UNIMPRESSIVEunimpressive adj. Lacking the ability to impress, inability to produce an impression.
UNIMPRESSIVE adj. not impressive.
UNIMPRESSIVELYunimpressively adv. In a unimpressive manner.
UNIMPROVEDunimproved adj. Not improved.
UNIMPROVED adj. not improved.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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