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There are 16 words containing E, L, M, 2T and 2Y

TYLECTOMYtylectomy n. (Surgery) The surgical removal of a tumour or cyst, especially from the breast; a lumpectomy.
TYLECTOMY n. the surgical removal of a lump, esp. in the breast, aka lumpectomy.
STYLOMETRYstylometry n. A statistical method of analyzing a text to determine its author.
STYLOMETRY n. the study of literature by means of statistical analysis.
AMITRYPTYLINEamitryptyline n. Alternative spelling of amitriptyline.
AMITRYPTYLINE n. an antidepressant drug, also AMITRIPTYLINE.
SYSTEMATOLOGYsystematology n. (Uncountable) The science or study of systematizing.
systematology n. (Countable) The science or study of systems or their formations.
SYSTEMATOLOGY n. the study of systems.
TYNDALLIMETRYTYNDALLIMETRY n. the determination of the concentration of suspended material in a liquid by measuring the amount of light scattered.
CHOLECYSTOTOMYcholecystotomy n. (Surgery) The operation of making an opening in the gall bladder, as when removing a gallstone.
CHOLECYSTOTOMY n. the surgical formation of an opening in the wall of the gall bladder, also CHOLECYSTOSTOMY.
POLYSYNTHETISMpolysynthetism n. Synonym of polysynthesis.
POLYSYNTHETISM n. the state of being polysynthetic.
SYSTEMATICALLYsystematically adv. In an organized manner; utilising a system.
SYSTEMATICAL adv. relating to or consisting of a system, also SYSTEMATIC.
BATHYMETRICALLYbathymetrically adv. In a bathymetric way.
BATHYMETRICAL adv. relating to measurement by a bathymeter, also BATHYMETRIC.
CHOLECYSTECTOMYcholecystectomy n. (Surgery) The surgical procedure to remove the gall bladder.
CHOLECYSTECTOMY n. a surgical operation to remove the gall bladder.
CHOLECYSTOSTOMYcholecystostomy n. The surgical creation of a stoma in the gallbladder, which can facilitate placement of a tube for drainage.
CHOLECYSTOSTOMY n. the surgical formation of an opening in the wall of the gall bladder, also CHOLECYSTOTOMY.
HYPERMUTABILITYhypermutability n. The state of being hypermutable.
HYPERMUTABILITY n. the state of being hypermutable.
POLYSYNTHETISMSPOLYSYNTHETISM n. the state of being polysynthetic.
SYMPATHETICALLYsympathetically adv. Owing to or showing evidence of sympathy, or affinity; happening through or demonstrating correspondences…
sympathetically adv. In a manner which demonstrates a sharing in the feelings of others; compassionately.
SYMPATHETICAL adv. (obsolete) sympathetic, also SYMPATHETIC.
TACHYMETRICALLYTACHYMETRICAL adv. relating to measurement by tachymeter, also TACHYMETRIC.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the 1Word.ws and WikWik.org.

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  • English Wiktionary: 425 words
  • Scrabble in French: 4 words
  • Scrabble in Spanish: no word
  • Scrabble in Italian: no word
  • Scrabble in German: no word
  • Scrabble in Romanian: no word

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