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There are 14 words containing E, 3L, P, U and Y

EQUIPOLLENTLYequipollently adv. With equal power.
EQUIPOLLENT adv. having equal power or force.
HELPFULLYhelpfully adv. In a helpful manner.
HELPFUL adv. giving help.
LEPTOPHYLLOUSleptophyllous adj. (Botany) Having long, slender leaves.
LEPTOPHYLLOUS adj. having long thin leaves.
PELLUCIDLYpellucidly adv. In a pellucid manner.
PELLUCID adv. transparent.
PLENTIFULLYplentifully adv. In a plentiful manner.
PLENTIFUL adv. abundant.
POLLUTEDLYpollutedly adv. In a polluted manner.
POLLUTED adv. POLLUTE, to make unclean or impure.
PRELINGUALLYprelingually adv. In a prelingual manner.
PRELINGUAL adv. before the use of language.
SCLEROPHYLLOUSsclerophyllous adj. Relating to sclerophylls.
SCLEROPHYLLOUS adj. having sclerophylls, hard leathery leaves.
SEPULCHRALLYsepulchrally adv. In a sepulchral manner.
SEPULCHRAL adv. funereal; gloomy; dismal.
SPLEENFULLYspleenfully adv. In a spleenful manner; spitefully.
SPLEENFUL adv. affected with spleen, fretful, also SPLEENISH.
SPOYLEFULLSPOYLEFULL adj. (Spenser) plundering, also SPOILFUL.
SUPPLEMENTALLYsupplementally adv. In a supplemental manner.
SUPPLEMENTAL adv. serving to supplement.
UNCOMPELLINGLYuncompellingly adv. In an uncompelling way.
UNHELPFULLYunhelpfully adv. In an unhelpful manner.
UNHELPFUL adv. not helpful.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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See this list for:

  • English Wiktionary: 289 words
  • Scrabble in French: 6 words
  • Scrabble in Spanish: no word
  • Scrabble in Italian: no word
  • Scrabble in German: no word
  • Scrabble in Romanian: 4 words

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