ALLOSTERICALLY | • allosterically adv. In an allosteric manner. • allosterically adv. With regard to allostery. • ALLOSTERIC adv. of an enzyme, influenced by a combination with another substance. |
BALLETICALLY | • balletically adv. In a balletic way. • BALLETIC adv. relating to ballet. |
CELLULOLYTIC | • cellulolytic adj. (Biochemistry) That causes the hydrolysis of cellulose. • cellulolytic n. Any such material. • CELLULOLYTIC adj. hydrolyzing or having the capacity to hydrolyze cellulose. |
COLLATERALLY | • collaterally adv. In collateral relation; not lineally. • collaterally adv. Side by side; by the side. • collaterally adv. In an indirect or subordinate manner; indirectly. |
ELLIPTICALLY | • elliptically adv. In the form of an ellipse. • elliptically adv. Using ellipsis. • ELLIPTICAL adv. having the shape of an ellipse, also ELLIPTIC. |
EXTRACELLULARLY | • extracellularly adv. In an extracellular manner. • EXTRACELLULAR adv. situated or occurring outside a cell or the cells of the body. |
INTELLECTUALLY | • intellectually adv. In an intellectual manner. • INTELLECTUAL adv. relating to the intellect. |
INTRACELLULARLY | • intracellularly adv. In an intracellular manner. • INTRACELLULAR adv. existing, occurring, or functioning within a cell. |
LAMELLATELY | • lamellately adv. In a lamellate fashion. • LAMELLATE adv. composed of, or furnished with, thin plates or scales, also LAMELLATED. |
LEGALISTICALLY | • legalistically adv. In a legalistic manner; in a manner promoting legalism. • LEGALISTIC adv. inclined to legalism. |
MELLIFLUENTLY | • mellifluently adv. In a mellifluent manner. • MELLIFLUENT adv. sweet-sounding; flowing with honey, also MELLIFLUOUS. |
METALLICALLY | • metallically adv. In a metallic manner. • METALLIC adv. of or like metal. |
METALLURGICALLY | • metallurgically adv. In terms of metallurgy. • METALLURGICAL adv. relating to metallurgy, also METALLURGIC. |
METHYLCELLULOSE | • methylcellulose n. (Organic chemistry) A white powdery substance, obtained by the methylation of cellulose, that swells… • methyl␣cellulose n. Alternative form of E461. • METHYLCELLULOSE n. any of various gummy products of cellulose methylation that swell in water and are used esp. as emulsifiers, adhesives, thickeners, and bulk laxatives. |
MULTILATERALLY | • multilaterally adv. In a multilateral manner. • MULTILATERAL adv. having many sides. |
PHILATELICALLY | • philatelically adv. In a philatelic way. • PHILATELIC adv. of or pertaining to philately. |
STELLULARLY | • STELLULAR adv. starlike; having starlike spots. |
SYLLEPTICALLY | • sylleptically adv. By syllepsis. • SYLLEPTICAL adv. relating to syllepsis, a construction in which a word governs two or more other words, also SYLLEPTIC. |
TELEOLOGICALLY | • teleologically adv. In a teleological context or manner. • TELEOLOGICAL adv. exhibiting or relating to design or purpose esp. in nature, also TELEOLOGIC. |