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There are 19 words containing E, K, N, 2P and 2S

SPANSPEKspanspek n. A cantaloupe.
SPANSPEK n. (South African) a sweet tough-skinned melon.
SPANSPEKSspanspeks n. Plural of spanspek.
SPANSPEK n. (South African) a sweet tough-skinned melon.
KISSPEPTINkisspeptin n. (Biochemistry) A protein-coupled ligand that plays a role in puberty.
KISSPEPTIN n. a protein molecule that is responsible for triggering the onset of puberty in humans.
KISSPEPTINSkisspeptins n. Plural of kisspeptin.
KISSPEPTIN n. a protein molecule that is responsible for triggering the onset of puberty in humans.
SKIPPERINGSSKIPPERING n. the act of sleeping rough.
PUMPKINSEEDSpumpkinseeds n. Plural of pumpkinseed.
pumpkin␣seeds n. Plural of pumpkin seed.
PUMPKINSEED n. the seed of the pumpkin.
SHOPKEEPINGSSHOPKEEPING n. the occupation of keeping a shop.
SPOKESPERSONspokesperson n. A person who acts as the voice of another person or a group of people.
SPOKESPERSON n. a spokesman or spokeswoman.
KLIPSPRINGERSklipspringers n. Plural of klipspringer.
KLIPSPRINGER n. (South African) a small, hoofed African antelope.
PHOSPHOKINASEphosphokinase n. (Biochemistry) kinase.
PHOSPHOKINASE n. a kind of enzyme, aka kinase.
SPEAKERPHONESspeakerphones n. Plural of speakerphone.
SPEAKERPHONE n. a combination microphone and loudspeaker device for two-way communication by telephone lines.
SPLATTERPUNKSsplatterpunks n. Plural of splatterpunk.
SPLATTERPUNK n. a genre of fiction centring on extremely gory scenes.
SPOKESMANSHIPspokesmanship n. The position of being a spokesman.
SPOKESMANSHIP n. the office of spokesman.
SPOKESPERSONSspokespersons n. Plural of spokesperson.
SPOKESPERSON n. a spokesman or spokeswoman.
PHOSPHOKINASESphosphokinases n. Plural of phosphokinase.
PHOSPHOKINASE n. a kind of enzyme, aka kinase.
SPOKESMANSHIPSspokesmanships n. Plural of spokesmanship.
SPOKESMANSHIP n. the office of spokesman.
PHENAKISTOSCOPEphenakistoscope n. An early animation device consisting of a disc or drum which rotated, showing successive images through…
phénakistoscope n. Alternative form of phenakistoscope.
PHENAKISTOSCOPE n. an early form of cinematograph.
PLAINSPOKENNESSplainspokenness n. The quality of being plainspoken.
PLAINSPOKEN n. candid, frank.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the 1Word.ws and WikWik.org.

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See this list for:

  • English Wiktionary: 232 words
  • Scrabble in French: 11 words
  • Scrabble in Spanish: no word
  • Scrabble in Italian: no word
  • Scrabble in German: 1 word
  • Scrabble in Romanian: no word

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