FLEXICURITY | • flexicurity n. A welfare state model with a proactive labour market policy, combining easy hiring and firing (flexibility… • FLEXICURITY n. labor practices that give companies the flexibility to fire workers as needed and offer fired workers the security of government-backed benefits and retraining opportunities. |
EXTRUDABILITY | • extrudability n. The quality or degree of being extrudable. • EXTRUDABILITY n. the state of being extrudable. |
INTERSEXUALLY | • intersexually adv. In an intersexual way. • INTERSEXUAL adv. existing between sexes. |
NEUROTOXICITY | • neurotoxicity n. The state or property of being neurotoxic. • NEUROTOXICITY n. the state of being neurotoxic. |
PARASEXUALITY | • parasexuality n. (Biology) A phenomenon, involving a complex form of mitosis, whereby two cell nuclei merge without any… • PARASEXUALITY n. the state of being parasexual. |
TRANSEXUALITY | • TRANSEXUALITY n. the state of being transsexual, also TRANSSEXUALITY. |
AMBIDEXTROUSLY | • ambidextrously adv. In an ambidextrous manner. • AMBIDEXTROUS adv. able to use either hand with equal dexterity, also AMBIDEXTEROUS. |
EXCRUCIATINGLY | • excruciatingly adv. In an excruciating manner or to an excruciating degree; in a manner causing great anguish or pain. • excruciatingly adv. In a very intense or extreme manner. • EXCRUCIATING adv. EXCRUCIATE, to inflict intense pain on. |
HYPERSEXUALITY | • hypersexuality n. The desire for sexual activity at levels high enough to be considered clinically significant. • HYPERSEXUALITY n. the state of being hypersexual. |
INTERSEXUALITY | • intersexuality n. The state of having the physical features of both sexes, or of having ambiguous sex, i.e. not unambiguously… • INTERSEXUALITY n. the state of being intersexual. |
INTERTEXTUALLY | • intertextually adv. In an intertextual manner. • INTERTEXTUAL adv. of or like an intertext. |
METROSEXUALITY | • metrosexuality n. The quality of being metrosexual. |
SUPERSEXUALITY | • supersexuality n. The quality of being supersexual. • SUPERSEXUALITY n. exceptional sexuality. |
TRANSSEXUALITY | • transsexuality n. The state, condition, or properties of being transsexual. • transsexuality n. The psychological diagnosis of gender identity disorder. • TRANSSEXUALITY n. the state of being transsexual, also TRANSEXUALITY. |
EXCOMMUNICATORY | • excommunicatory adj. Relating to excommunication. • EXCOMMUNICATORY adj. of or relating to excommunication. |
EXTRAJUDICIALLY | • extrajudicially adv. Outside of the legal system. • EXTRAJUDICIAL adv. not forming a valid part of regular legal proceedings. |
HETEROSEXUALITY | • heterosexuality n. The state of being sexually and romantically attracted primarily or exclusively to persons of the opposite sex. • heterosexuality n. Sexual activity with a person of the opposite sex. • HETEROSEXUALITY n. the state of being heterosexual. |
INTERTEXTUALITY | • intertextuality n. The idea that a given text is a response to what has already been written, be it explicit or implicit. • intertextuality n. The reference to another separate and distinct text within a text. • INTERTEXTUALITY n. the complex interrelationship between a text and other texts taken as basic to the creation or interpretation of the text. |
UNEXTRAORDINARY | • unextraordinary adj. Not extraordinary; mundane, ordinary. • UNEXTRAORDINARY adj. not extraordinary. |