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There are 17 words containing E, I, 3O, P and V

NONCOOPERATIVEnoncooperative adj. Not cooperative; uncooperative.
NONCOOPERATIVE adj. of, relating to, or characterized by noncooperation.
NONCOOPERATIVESSorry, definition not available.
OVERCONSUMPTIONoverconsumption n. Excessive consumption.
over-consumption n. An excessive level of consumption.
OVERCONSUMPTION n. excessive consumption.
OVEROPINIONATEDoveropinionated adj. Excessively opinionated.
OVEROPINIONATED adj. excessively opinionated.
OVERPOPULATIONoverpopulation n. (Biology, demography) An excessive number of occupants (People, animals, plants, etc.) in a particular…
OVERPOPULATION n. population so dense as to cause environmental deterioration.
OVERPOPULATIONSoverpopulations n. Plural of overpopulation.
OVERPOPULATION n. population so dense as to cause environmental deterioration.
OVERPRODUCTIONoverproduction n. The production of more of a commodity than can be used or sold.
OVERPRODUCTION n. excessive production.
OVERPRODUCTIONSoverproductions n. Plural of overproduction.
OVERPRODUCTION n. excessive production.
OVERPROMOTINGoverpromoting v. Present participle of overpromote.
OVERPROMOTE v. to promote excessively.
OVERPROPORTIONoverproportion v. To give something excessive proportions.
overproportion n. Excessive proportion.
OVERPROPORTION v. to make disproportionately large.
OVERPROPORTIONSoverproportions v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of overproportion.
OVERPROPORTION v. to make disproportionately large.
OVERPROTECTIONoverprotection n. The act of overprotecting.
OVERPROTECTION n. excessive protection.
OVERPROTECTIONSoverprotections n. Plural of overprotection.
OVERPROTECTION n. excessive protection.
PHOTOCONDUCTIVEphotoconductive adj. Of, relating to, or characterized by photoconductivity.
PHOTOCONDUCTIVE adj. having, involving, or operating by photoconductivity.
PHOTOOXIDATIVEphotooxidative adj. That causes, or undergoes photooxidation.
PHOTOOXIDATIVE adj. relating to photooxidation.
PHOTOPOSITIVEphotopositive adj. (Biology) having a positive phototropic or phototactic response; attracted by light.
PHOTOPOSITIVE adj. exhibiting positive phototropism or phototaxis.
POSTCONVENTIONpostconvention adj. After a convention.
POSTCONVENTION adj. taking place after a convention.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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