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There are 10 words containing E, 2I, M, T and 2V

VOMITIVEvomitive adj. (Medicine, pharmacology) Inducing vomiting.
vomitive n. (Medicine, pharmacology) Something that induces vomiting.
VOMITIVE n. a substance causing the ejection of matter from the stomach; an emetic.
VOMITIVESvomitives n. Plural of vomitive.
VOMITIVE n. a substance causing the ejection of matter from the stomach; an emetic.
MOTIVATIVEmotivative adj. Motivating; serving to motivate.
motivative adj. (Grammar) In, marked by or pertaining to the motivative case.
motivative n. (Grammar) The motivative case, a case found in some languages (for example Basque) which marks the meaning…
CIRCUMVENTIVEcircumventive adj. Evading or overcoming some protective measure.
CIRCUMVENTIVE adj. deceiving by artifices.
VIVISECTORIUMvivisectorium n. A place or laboratory where vivisection is performed.
VIVISECTORIUM n. a place for vivisection.
IMPROVVISATOREimprovvisatore n. Alternative form of improvisatore.
IMPROVVISATORE n. (Italian) an improviser in an Italian manner, also IMPROVISATORE.
VIVISECTORIUMSVIVISECTORIUM n. a place for vivisection.
IMPROVVISATORESIMPROVVISATORE n. (Italian) an improviser in an Italian manner, also IMPROVISATORE.
IMPROVVISATRICEimprovvisatrice n. Alternative form of improvisatrice.
IMPROVVISATRICE n. (archaic) a female improvisator, also IMPROVISATRIX.
OVERIMAGINATIVEoverimaginative adj. Excessively imaginative.
OVERIMAGINATIVE adj. excessively imaginative.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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