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There are 18 words containing E, H, K, O, 2R and Y

ARRHENOTOKYarrhenotoky n. (Biology) The production of male offspring by parthenogenesis.
ARRHENOTOKY n. giving birth only to boys.
BROKENHEARTEDLYbrokenheartedly adv. In a brokenhearted manner.
broken-heartedly adv. Alternative form of brokenheartedly.
BROKENHEARTED adv. greatly depressed or hurt.
CHOKEBERRYchokeberry n. Either of two species in Aronia, formerly and sometimes in Photinia, deciduous shrubs, native to Russia…
chokeberry n. The fruit of such a shrub.
CHOKEBERRY n. a small astringent fruit of various North American shrubs related to the apple.
CHOKECHERRYchokecherry n. Any of several American wild cherry trees, especially Prunus virginiana.
chokecherry n. The fruit of this plant.
CHOKECHERRY n. an astringent American cherry.
HEARTBROKENLYheartbrokenly adv. In a heartbroken manner.
HEARTBROKEN adv. having a broken heart.
HETEROKARYONheterokaryon n. (Biology) A cell having two or more genetically different nuclei.
HETEROKARYON n. a cell, as in the mycelium of a fungus, that contains two or more genetically unlike nuclei.
HETEROKARYONSheterokaryons n. Plural of heterokaryon.
HETEROKARYON n. a cell, as in the mycelium of a fungus, that contains two or more genetically unlike nuclei.
HETEROKARYOSESHETEROKARYOSIS n. the condition of having cells that are heterokaryons.
HETEROKARYOSISheterokaryosis n. (Biology) The condition of being a heterokaryon.
HETEROKARYOSIS n. the condition of having cells that are heterokaryons.
HETEROKARYOTICheterokaryotic adj. Relating to heterokaryosis or to heterokaryons.
HETEROKARYOTIC adj. relating to heterokaryosis.
HYDROCRACKEDhydrocracked v. Simple past tense and past participle of hydrocrack.
hydrocracked adj. That has been subjected to hydrocracking.
HYDROCRACK v. to crack hydrocarbons in the presence of hydrogen.
HYDROCRACKERhydrocracker n. (Organic chemistry) A chemical engineering plant in which hydrocracking takes place.
HYDROCRACKER n. one engaged in hydrocracking.
HYDROCRACKERShydrocrackers n. Plural of hydrocracker.
HYDROCRACKER n. one engaged in hydrocracking.
HYPERKERATOSEShyperkeratoses n. Plural of hyperkeratosis.
HYPERKERATOSIS n. hypertrophy of the horny layer of the skin.
HYPERKERATOSIShyperkeratosis n. (Pathology) Excess keratin formation on the skin surface, as can be seen in a number of dermatologic conditions.
HYPERKERATOSIS n. hypertrophy of the horny layer of the skin.
HYPERKERATOTIChyperkeratotic adj. Of, pertaining to, or suffering from hyperkeratosis.
HYPERKERATOTIC adj. suffering from hyperkeratosis.
KERATOPHYREkeratophyre n. (Petrography) A compact porphyritic rock composed of alkali-feldspars and diopside, and possibly including quartz.
KERATOPHYRE n. a fine-grained soda trachyte.
KERATOPHYRESkeratophyres n. Plural of keratophyre.
KERATOPHYRE n. a fine-grained soda trachyte.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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See this list for:

  • English Wiktionary: 328 words
  • Scrabble in French: 2 words
  • Scrabble in Spanish: no word
  • Scrabble in Italian: 1 word
  • Scrabble in German: no word
  • Scrabble in Romanian: no word

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