SKEUOMORPH | • skeuomorph n. A design feature copied from a similar feature in another object, even when not functionally necessary. • SKEUOMORPH n. a design feature copied from a similar artifact in another material, even when not functionally necessary e.g. the click sound of a shutter in an analog camera that is now reproduced in a digital camera by playing a sound clip. |
SKEUOMORPHS | • skeuomorphs n. Plural of skeuomorph. • SKEUOMORPH n. a design feature copied from a similar artifact in another material, even when not functionally necessary e.g. the click sound of a shutter in an analog camera that is now reproduced in a digital camera by playing a sound clip. |
POIKILOTHERM | • poikilotherm adj. Cold-blooded. • poikilotherm n. A cold-blooded animal. • POIKILOTHERM n. an organism that takes on the temperature of its surroundings. |
SKEUOMORPHIC | • skeuomorphic adj. (Originally archaeology) Pertaining to skeuomorphs, obsolete design elements which are retained for… • SKEUOMORPHIC adj. of or like a skeuomorph. |
POIKILOTHERMS | • poikilotherms n. Plural of poikilotherm. • POIKILOTHERM n. an organism that takes on the temperature of its surroundings. |
POIKILOTHERMY | • poikilothermy n. (Biology) The quality of having a body temperature that varies or fluctuates, depending on the temperature… • POIKILOTHERMY n. the state of being cold-blooded, also POIKILOTHERMISM. |
SKEUOMORPHISM | • skeuomorphism n. The incorporation of obsolete or skeuomorphic elements into a design, for familiarity or out of tradition… • SKEUOMORPHISM n. the state of being a skeuomorph. |
OMPHALOSKEPSES | • OMPHALOSKEPSIS n. the contemplation of one's own navel to induce a mental trance. |
OMPHALOSKEPSIS | • omphaloskepsis n. Contemplation of or meditation upon one’s navel; navel-gazing. • omphaloskepsis n. (Figuratively) Ratiocination to the point of self-absorption. • OMPHALOSKEPSIS n. the contemplation of one's own navel to induce a mental trance. |
POIKILOTHERMAL | • poikilothermal adj. Poikilothermic. • POIKILOTHERMAL adj. having a variable blood temperature, cold blooded, also POIKILOTHERMIC. |
POIKILOTHERMIC | • poikilothermic adj. (Of an animal) Having a body temperature that varies depending on the outside temperature. • POIKILOTHERMIC adj. having a variable blood temperature, cold blooded, also POIKILOTHERMAL. |
SKEUOMORPHISMS | • skeuomorphisms n. Plural of skeuomorphism. • SKEUOMORPHISM n. the state of being a skeuomorph. |
DURCHKOMPONIERT | • DURCHKOMPONIERT adj. (German) having the music especially adapted to each stanza, also DURCHKOMPONIRT. |
POIKILOTHERMIES | • POIKILOTHERMY n. the state of being cold-blooded, also POIKILOTHERMISM. |
POIKILOTHERMISM | • poikilothermism n. Poikilothermy. • POIKILOTHERMISM n. the state of being cold-blooded, also POIKILOTHERMY. |