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There are 16 words containing E, H, K, L, R, S and W

SHELLWORKshellwork n. A form of decoration made from shells arranged in a pattern.
shellwork n. The making of objects from shells.
SHELLWORK n. work composed of shells, or adorned with them.
SHREWLIKEshrewlike adj. Resembling or characteristic of a shrew (mouselike mammal).
shrewlike adj. Resembling or characteristic of a shrew (ill-tempered woman); shrewish.
SHREWLIKE adj. like a shrew.
BUSHWALKERbushwalker n. (Australia, New Zealand) A hiker or backpacker.
BUSHWALKER n. one who goes hiking in the bush.
SHELLWORKSshellworks n. Plural of shellwork.
SHELLWORK n. work composed of shells, or adorned with them.
SHOPWALKERshopwalker n. (Britain) Alternative form of shop-walker.
shop-walker n. (Britain) A retail store floor supervisor.
SHOPWALKER n. a person employed by a departmental store to supervise sales personnel, assist customers, etc.
WHEELWORKSwheelworks n. Plural of wheelwork.
WHEELWORK n. a combination of wheels, and their connection, in a machine or mechanism.
BUSHWALKERSbushwalkers n. Plural of bushwalker.
BUSHWALKER n. one who goes hiking in the bush.
HILLWALKERShillwalkers n. Plural of hillwalker.
HILLWALKER n. one who likes walking in the hills.
LUKEWARMISHlukewarmish adj. Somewhat lukewarm; tepid.
LUKEWARMISH adj. somewhat lukewarm.
LUKEWARMTHSLUKEWARMTH n. the state of being lukewarm.
SHOPWALKERSshopwalkers n. Plural of shopwalker.
shop-walkers n. Plural of shop-walker.
SHOPWALKER n. a person employed by a departmental store to supervise sales personnel, assist customers, etc.
WARCHALKERSwarchalkers n. Plural of warchalker.
WARCHALKER n. one who engages in warchalking, the activity of drawing chalk symbols in public places in order to indicate the location of wireless Internet access points.
LEATHERWORKSleatherworks n. A factory that manufactures leatherwork.
LEATHERWORK n. work in leather.
NIGHTWALKERSnightwalkers n. Plural of nightwalker.
NIGHTWALKER n. a person who roams about at night esp. with criminal intent.
SWASHBUCKLERswashbuckler n. A swordsman or fencer who engages in showy or extravagant sword play.
swashbuckler n. A daring adventurer.
swashbuckler n. A kind of period adventure story with flashy action and lighthearted tone.
SWASHBUCKLERSswashbucklers n. Plural of swashbuckler.
SWASHBUCKLER n. a swaggering or daring soldier or adventurer.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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See this list for:

  • English Wiktionary: 329 words
  • Scrabble in French: 1 word
  • Scrabble in Spanish: no word
  • Scrabble in Italian: no word
  • Scrabble in German: 6 words
  • Scrabble in Romanian: 1 word

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