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There are 15 words containing E, 2H, O, R, S and X

AXEROPHTHOLSAXEROPHTHOL n. vitamin A, a pale yellow crystalline substance, deficiency of which causes xerophthalmia.
CEPHALOTHORAXEScephalothoraxes n. Plural of cephalothorax.
CEPHALOTHORAX n. the body, or head with thorax, of spiders, crustaceans, etc.
CHLORHEXIDINESCHLORHEXIDINE n. an antiseptic compound used in skin cleansers, mouthwashes, etc.
HEXACHLORIDEShexachlorides n. Plural of hexachloride.
HEXACHLORIDE n. a chloride containing six atoms of chlorine.
HEXACHORDShexachords n. Plural of hexachord.
HEXACHORD n. a series of six notes, with a semitone between the third and fourth, the other intervals being whole tones.
HEXAHEDRONShexahedrons n. Plural of hexahedron.
HEXAHEDRON n. a solid body of six sides or faces.
HEXAHEMERONSHEXAHEMERON n. the (biblical) six days of creation, also HEXAEMERON.
HIERACOSPHINXhieracosphinx n. A mythical beast found in Egyptian sculpture and European heraldry, being a lion with the head of a falcon.
HIERACOSPHINX n. in ancient Egyptian art, a hawk-headed sphinx.
HIERACOSPHINXEShieracosphinxes n. Plural of hieracosphinx.
HIERACOSPHINX n. in ancient Egyptian art, a hawk-headed sphinx.
HYDROTHORAXEShydrothoraxes n. Plural of hydrothorax.
HYDROTHORAX n. water liquid in the pleural cavity.
HYPOPHARYNXEShypopharynxes n. Plural of hypopharynx.
HYPOPHARYNX n. an appendage or thickened fold on the floor of the mouth of many insects that resembles a tongue.
METHOXYCHLORSMETHOXYCHLOR n. a relatively nontoxic organochlorine insecticide.
OXYRHYNCHUSESOXYRHYNCHUS n. an Egyptian fish, sacred to the goddess Hathor, represented on coins and sculptures.
THOROUGHWAXESTHOROUGHWAX n. the plant hare's-ear, from the stem seeming to 'wax' (i.e. grow) through the leaves.
XEROPHTHALMIASxerophthalmias n. Plural of xerophthalmia.
XEROPHTHALMIA n. extreme dryness of the conjunctive, thought to stem from a vitamin A deficiency, also XEROMA.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the 1Word.ws and WikWik.org.

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See this list for:

  • English Wiktionary: 173 words
  • Scrabble in French: 5 words
  • Scrabble in Spanish: no word
  • Scrabble in Italian: no word
  • Scrabble in German: no word
  • Scrabble in Romanian: 2 words

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