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There are 19 words containing E, G, 2N, P, S and W

ENSWEEPINGensweeping v. Present participle of ensweep.
ENSWEEP v. to sweep over.
ENWRAPPINGSenwrappings n. Plural of enwrapping.
ENWRAPPING n. the act of wrapping.
PIGEONWINGSpigeonwings n. Plural of pigeonwing.
PIGEONWING n. a caper or leap in dancing, jumping and clapping feet together.
POSTWEANINGpostweaning adj. Following the weaning period.
POSTWEANING adj. that takes place after weaning.
SPANGHEWINGspanghewing v. Present participle of spanghew.
SPANGHEW v. (dialect) to fling into the air.
WEAPONISINGweaponising v. Present participle of weaponise.
WEAPONISE v. to adapt a chemical, bacillus etc. for use as a weapon, also WEAPONIZE.
GRANDNEPHEWSgrandnephews n. Plural of grandnephew.
GRANDNEPHEW n. a grandson of one's brother or sister.
MINESWEEPINGminesweeping n. (Nautical) The detection and safe disposal of mines.
minesweeping n. (Slang) The act of looking for and drinking half-drunk alcoholic drinks that have been left by other…
MINESWEEPING n. searching for mines.
NEWSPAPERINGnewspapering v. Present participle of newspaper.
NEWSPAPER v. to work on a newspaper.
PENNYWEIGHTSpennyweights n. Plural of pennyweight.
PENNYWEIGHT n. an old unit of weight, the twentieth part of an ounce.
SWEEPINGNESSsweepingness n. The quality of being sweeping; broadness of scope.
SWEEPINGNESS n. the state of being sweeping.
MINESWEEPINGSminesweepings n. Plural of minesweeping.
MINESWEEPING n. searching for mines.
PRESWEETENINGpresweetening v. Present participle of presweeten.
PRESWEETEN v. to sweeten in advance.
WAPPENSHAWINGWAPPENSHAWING n. (Scots) a gathering of the people within an area for the purpose of seeing that each man was armed according to his rank, and ready to take the field when required, also WAPENSCHAW, WAPENSHAW, WAPINSCHAW, WAPINSHAW, WAPPENSCHAW, WAPPENSHAW.
WEAPONEERINGSWEAPONEERING n. the act of fitting out with weapons.
SWEEPINGNESSESSWEEPINGNESS n. the state of being sweeping.
WAPPENSCHAWINGWAPPENSCHAWING n. (Scots) a periodical gathering of the people within an area for the purpose of seeing that each man was armed according to his rank, and ready to take the field, also WAPENSCHAW, WAPENSHAW, WAPINSCHAW, WAPINSHAW, WAPPENSHAW, WAPPENSHAWING.
WAPPENSHAWINGSWAPPENSHAWING n. (Scots) a gathering of the people within an area for the purpose of seeing that each man was armed according to his rank, and ready to take the field when required, also WAPENSCHAW, WAPENSHAW, WAPINSCHAW, WAPINSHAW, WAPPENSCHAW, WAPPENSHAW.
WAPPENSCHAWINGSWAPPENSCHAWING n. (Scots) a periodical gathering of the people within an area for the purpose of seeing that each man was armed according to his rank, and ready to take the field, also WAPENSCHAW, WAPENSHAW, WAPINSCHAW, WAPINSHAW, WAPPENSHAW, WAPPENSHAWING.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the 1Word.ws and WikWik.org.

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See this list for:

  • English Wiktionary: 283 words
  • Scrabble in French: 6 words
  • Scrabble in Spanish: no word
  • Scrabble in Italian: no word
  • Scrabble in German: no word
  • Scrabble in Romanian: no word

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