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There are 13 words containing E, G, M, 2T and 2U

COUNTERARGUMENTcounterargument n. An argument that is opposed to another argument.
COUNTERARGUMENT n. an opposing argument.
MEGASTRUCTUREmegastructure n. A very large structure.
megastructure n. (Uncountable) The large-scale structure of a material, as contrasted to the fine-scale structure.
mega-structure n. Alternative form of megastructure.
MEGASTRUCTURESmegastructures n. Plural of megastructure.
mega-structures n. Plural of mega-structure.
mega␣structures n. Plural of mega structure.
MULTIJUGATEmultijugate adj. (Botany, of a pinnate leaf) Having more than one pair of leaflets.
MULTIJUGATE adj. consisting of many pairs of leaflets, also MULTIJUGOUS.
MULTUNGULATEmultungulate adj. Having many hoofs.
multungulate n. Any mammal with many hoofs.
MULTUNGULATE adj. having the hoof divided into more than two parts.
MULTUNGULATESmultungulates n. Plural of multungulate.
MULTUNGULATE n. a multungulate animal.
THAUMATURGEthaumaturge n. A performer of thaumaturgy; a performer of miracles; a magician.
THAUMATURGE n. a performer of miracles, esp. a magician.
THAUMATURGESthaumaturges n. Plural of thaumaturge.
THAUMATURGE n. a performer of miracles, esp. a magician.
THAUMATURGIESthaumaturgies n. Plural of thaumaturgy.
THAUMATURGY n. the performance of miracles.
THAUMATURGUSESthaumaturguses n. Plural of thaumaturgus.
THAUMATURGUS n. a performer of miracles, also THAUMATURGIST.
ULTIMOGENITUREultimogeniture n. A system of inheritance in which the youngest son or youngest child inherits an estate.
ULTIMOGENITURE n. inheritance by the youngest child.
ULTIMOGENITURESultimogenitures n. Plural of ultimogeniture.
ULTIMOGENITURE n. inheritance by the youngest child.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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