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There are 19 words containing E, G, L, O, R, W and Y

GROWLERYgrowlery n. Alternative form of Growlery.
Growlery n. A place to retreat to, alone, when ill-humoured.
GROWLERY n. a retreat for times of ill-humour.
COWERINGLYcoweringly adv. In a cowering manner.
COWERING adv. COWER, to cringe.
LOWERINGLYloweringly adv. In a lowering manner; with cloudiness or threatening gloom.
LOWERING adv. overcast, threatening.
TOWERINGLYtoweringly adv. In a towering manner.
TOWERING adv. TOWER, to rise to a great height.
CLERGYWOMANclergywoman n. An ordained (female) Christian minister; a female member of the clergy.
clergywoman n. A woman belonging to a clergyman’s family.
CLERGYWOMAN n. a woman who is a member of the clergy.
CLERGYWOMENclergywomen n. Plural of clergywoman.
CLERGYWOMAN n. a woman who is a member of the clergy.
GILLYFLOWERgillyflower n. Clove pink.
gillyflower n. (By extension) Any clove-scented flower.
gillyflower n. Any of several species of wallflower.
GLOWERINGLYgloweringly adv. In a glowering manner.
GLOWERING adv. GLOWER, to look or stare with sullen annoyance or anger.
WONDERINGLYwonderingly adv. In a wondering manner; with wonderment.
WONDERING adv. having a feeling of curiosity or doubt.
GILLYFLOWERSgillyflowers n. Plural of gillyflower.
gilly-flowers n. Plural of gilly-flower.
WEBLIOGRAPHYwebliography n. A list of electronic documents or websites that relate to a particular subject, especially one used…
WEBLIOGRAPHY n. a list of items published on the internet, esp. one indicating sources used in the preparation of a book or academic paper.
FOREKNOWINGLYforeknowingly adv. With foreknowledge.
FOREKNOWING adv. FOREKNOW, to know beforehand.
FOREWARNINGLYforewarningly adv. So as to forewarn; in a way that gives advance warning.
FOREWARNING adv. warn in advance.
OVERFLOWINGLYoverflowingly adv. So as to overflow; very excessively or generously.
OVERFLOWING adv. abundant to excess.
OVERWEENINGLYoverweeningly adv. In an overweening way; arrogantly.
WRONGHEADEDLYwrongheadedly adv. In a wrongheaded manner.
wrong-headedly adv. Alternative spelling of wrongheadedly.
WRONGHEADED adv. stubborn in adherence to wrong opinion or principles.
OVERPOWERINGLYoverpoweringly adv. In an overpowering manner.
OVERPOWERING adv. OVERPOWER, to overcome or reduce to helplessness.
OVERWHELMINGLYoverwhelmingly adv. In an overwhelming manner; very greatly or intensely.
overwhelmingly adv. Mostly; predominantly; almost completely.
OVERWHELMING adv. crushing.
MOUTHWATERINGLYmouthwateringly adv. In a mouthwatering manner.
mouth-wateringly adv. In a mouth-watering manner.
MOUTHWATERING adv. arousing the appetite.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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See this list for:

  • English Wiktionary: 208 words
  • Scrabble in French: no word
  • Scrabble in Spanish: no word
  • Scrabble in Italian: no word
  • Scrabble in German: no word
  • Scrabble in Romanian: no word

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