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There are 20 words containing E, G, I, 2L, W and Y

BEWAILINGLYbewailingly adv. In a bewailing manner.
BEWILDERINGLYbewilderingly adv. In a bewildering manner, or to a bewildering extent.
BEWILDERING adv. BEWILDER, to confuse.
FREEWHEELINGLYfreewheelingly adv. In a freewheeling manner; without constraint.
FREEWHEELING adv. coasting.
GILLYFLOWERgillyflower n. Clove pink.
gillyflower n. (By extension) Any clove-scented flower.
gillyflower n. Any of several species of wallflower.
GILLYFLOWERSgillyflowers n. Plural of gillyflower.
gilly-flowers n. Plural of gilly-flower.
GLOWERINGLYgloweringly adv. In a glowering manner.
GLOWERING adv. GLOWER, to look or stare with sullen annoyance or anger.
KNOWLEDGABILITYknowledgability n. Alternative form of knowledgeability.
KNOWLEDGABILITY n. the quality of being knowledgable.
LOWERINGLYloweringly adv. In a lowering manner; with cloudiness or threatening gloom.
LOWERING adv. overcast, threatening.
NONYELLOWINGnonyellowing adj. Not prone to yellowing.
NONYELLOWING adj. not yellowing.
OVERFLOWINGLYoverflowingly adv. So as to overflow; very excessively or generously.
OVERFLOWING adv. abundant to excess.
OVERWHELMINGLYoverwhelmingly adv. In an overwhelming manner; very greatly or intensely.
overwhelmingly adv. Mostly; predominantly; almost completely.
OVERWHELMING adv. crushing.
SWELLINGLYswellingly adv. In a swelling manner.
SWELTERINGLYswelteringly adv. In a sweltering way.
WALLYDRAIGLEwallydraigle n. A feeble or underdeveloped person or animal.
WALLYDRAIGLE n. (Scots) a feeble, imperfectly developed, or slovenly creature, also WALLYDRAG.
WALLYDRAIGLESwallydraigles n. Plural of wallydraigle.
WALLYDRAIGLE n. (Scots) a feeble, imperfectly developed, or slovenly creature, also WALLYDRAG.
WEIGHTLESSLYweightlessly adv. Whilst weightless; without weight.
WEIGHTLESS adv. having little weight.
WELCOMINGLYwelcomingly adv. In a welcoming manner.
WELCOMING adv. WELCOME, to greet cordially.
WHEEDLINGLYwheedlingly adv. In a wheedling manner.
WHEEDLING adv. enticing by soft words or flattery.
WILLEYINGwilleying v. Present participle of willey.
WILLEY v. to clean in a willowing-machine, also WILLY.
YELLOWINGyellowing v. Present participle of yellow.
yellowing n. The process of turning yellow.
YELLOW v. to make or become yellow.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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See this list for:

  • English Wiktionary: 180 words
  • Scrabble in French: no word
  • Scrabble in Spanish: no word
  • Scrabble in Italian: no word
  • Scrabble in German: no word
  • Scrabble in Romanian: no word

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