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There are 15 words containing E, G, H, 2I, P and W

WHIMPERINGwhimpering v. Present participle of whimper.
whimpering n. The sound of one who whimpers; a whimper; a feeble complaint.
WHIMPERING adj. crying with plaintive, broken sounds.
WHIPPETINGWHIPPETING n. the sport of racing whippets.
WHISPERINGwhispering v. Present participle of whisper.
whispering adj. That whispers.
whispering adj. Associated with whispers.
PINWHEELINGpinwheeling v. Present participle of pinwheel.
PINWHEEL v. to rotate like a child's toy windmill.
PREWEIGHINGPREWEIGH v. to weigh beforehand.
WHIMPERINGSwhimperings n. Plural of whimpering.
WHIMPERING n. the act of whimpering.
WHIPPETINGSWHIPPETING n. the sport of racing whippets.
WHISPERINGSwhisperings n. Plural of whispering.
WHISPERING n. the act of whispering.
SHIPWRECKINGshipwrecking v. Present participle of shipwreck.
SHIPWRECK v. to undergo shipwreck.
WHIMPERINGLYwhimperingly adv. With a whimpering sound.
WHISPERINGLYwhisperingly adv. In a whispering manner; quietly.
WHISPERING adv. speaking softly.
FELLOWSHIPINGfellowshiping v. Present participle of fellowship.
FELLOWSHIP v. to join in fellowship esp. with a church member.
HORSEWHIPPINGhorsewhipping v. Present participle of horsewhip.
horsewhipping n. A beating with a horsewhip.
HORSEWHIP v. to beat with a horsewhip.
FELLOWSHIPPINGfellowshipping v. Present participle of fellowship.
FELLOWSHIP v. to join in fellowship esp. with a church member.
WEBLIOGRAPHIESwebliographies n. Plural of webliography.
WEBLIOGRAPHY n. a list of items published on the internet, esp. one indicating sources used in the preparation of a book or academic paper.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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See this list for:

  • English Wiktionary: 230 words
  • Scrabble in French: no word
  • Scrabble in Spanish: no word
  • Scrabble in Italian: no word
  • Scrabble in German: no word
  • Scrabble in Romanian: no word

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