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There are 15 words containing E, 2G, I, Q, S and U

GIGANTESQUEgigantesque adj. Very large; like a giant; gigantic.
GIGANTESQUE adj. of enormous or grotesquely large proportions.
QUAGGIESTquaggiest adj. Superlative form of quaggy: most quaggy.
QUAGGY adj. boggy, like a quagmire.
QUAGGINESSquagginess n. The quality of being quaggy.
QUAGGINESS n. the state of being quaggy.
QUAGGINESSESQUAGGINESS n. the state of being quaggy.
SQUEEGEEINGsqueegeeing v. Present participle of squeegee.
SQUEEGEE v. to wipe with a type of mop, also SQUILGEE.
SQUEGGINGsquegging n. (Electronics) An irregular oscillation characterised by short periods of oscillation punctuated by brief…
SQUEGGING n. a type of oscillation in which the oscillations build up to a certain value and then stop for a time before resuming.
SQUEGGINGSSQUEGGING n. a type of oscillation in which the oscillations build up to a certain value and then stop for a time before resuming.
SQUIGGLEsquiggle n. A short twisting or wiggling line or mark.
squiggle n. (Informal) Synonym of tilde.
squiggle n. An illegible scrawl.
SQUIGGLEDsquiggled v. Simple past tense and past participle of squiggle.
SQUIGGLE v. to writhe about; squirm, wriggle.
SQUIGGLERsquiggler n. Anything that squiggles.
SQUIGGLER n. one who squiggles, wriggles.
SQUIGGLERSsquigglers n. Plural of squiggler.
SQUIGGLER n. one who squiggles, wriggles.
SQUIGGLESsquiggles n. Plural of squiggle.
SQUIGGLE v. to writhe about; squirm, wriggle.
SQUIGGLIERsquigglier adj. Comparative form of squiggly: more squiggly.
SQUIGGLY adj. like squiggles, wriggly.
SQUIGGLIESTsquiggliest adj. Superlative form of squiggly: most squiggly.
SQUIGGLY adj. like squiggles, wriggly.
SQUILGEEINGsquilgeeing v. Present participle of squilgee.
SQUILGEE v. to wipe with a type of mop, also SQUEEGEE.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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See this list for:

  • English Wiktionary: 61 words
  • Scrabble in French: 48 words
  • Scrabble in Spanish: no word
  • Scrabble in Italian: 28 words
  • Scrabble in German: no word
  • Scrabble in Romanian: no word

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