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There are 18 words containing E, 2G, I, 2M and S

DEMAGOGISMdemagogism n. The practices and principles of a demagogue; a pandering to the multitude for selfish ends.
DEMAGOGISM n. the practices of a demagogue, also DEMAGOGUISM, DEMAGOGY.
DEMAGOGISMSDEMAGOGISM n. the practices of a demagogue, also DEMAGOGUISM, DEMAGOGY.
DEMAGOGUISMdemagoguism n. Alternative form of demagogism.
DEMAGOGUISM n. being a demagogue, also DEMAGOGISM, DEMAGOGY.
EPIGRAMMATISINGepigrammatising v. Present participle of epigrammatise.
EPIGRAMMATISE v. to make an epigram, also EPIGRAMMATIZE.
GEMMOLOGIESGEMMOLOGY n. the study of gems, also GEMOLOGY.
GEMMOLOGISTgemmologist n. Alternative form of gemologist.
GEMMOLOGIST n. a student of precious stones, also GEMOLOGIST.
GEMMOLOGISTSgemmologists n. Plural of gemmologist.
GEMMOLOGIST n. a student of precious stones, also GEMOLOGIST.
GEOMAGNETISMgeomagnetism n. The magnetism of the Earth.
geomagnetism n. The science that studies the magnetism of the Earth.
GEOMAGNETISM n. the state of being geomagnetic.
GEOMAGNETISMSGEOMAGNETISM n. the state of being geomagnetic.
GLIMMERINGSglimmerings n. Plural of glimmering.
GLIMMERING n. a faint shining.
GRAMMATOLOGIESgrammatologies n. Plural of grammatology.
GRAMMATOLOGY n. the study of systems of writing.
GYROMAGNETISMgyromagnetism n. The property of being gyromagnetic.
GYROMAGNETISM n. the magnetic properties of rotating electric charges.
GYROMAGNETISMSGYROMAGNETISM n. the magnetic properties of rotating electric charges.
MEGASPORANGIUMmegasporangium n. (Biology) A sporangium which produces only megaspores.
MEGASPORANGIUM n. the sporangium in heterosporous plants where the megaspores develop.
PREPROGRAMMINGSPREPROGRAMMING n. the act of programming beforehand.
RUMORMONGERINGSRUMORMONGERING n. the spreading of rumours.
SLEDGEHAMMERINGsledgehammering v. Present participle of sledgehammer.
SLEDGEHAMMER v. to strike with a sledgehammer.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the 1Word.ws and WikWik.org.

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