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There are 15 words containing E, F, L, 2P, R and U

DIPPERFULdipperful n. (US) As much as a dipper will hold; a cupful.
DIPPERFUL n. the contents of a dipper.
DIPPERFULSdipperfuls n. Plural of dipperful.
DIPPERFUL n. the contents of a dipper.
DROPPERFULdropperful n. Enough to fill a dropper.
DROPPERFUL n. the contents of a dropper.
PLUPERFECTpluperfect adj. More than perfect, utterly perfect, ideal.
pluperfect adj. (Grammar) Pertaining to action completed before another action or event in the past, past perfect.
pluperfect adj. (Mathematics) Relating to a certain type of graph, complying with the theorem (pluperfect graph theorem)…
PURPOSEFULpurposeful adj. Having purpose; intentional.
purposeful adj. Having a purpose in mind; resolute; determined.
PURPOSEFUL adj. showing purpose.
DROPPERFULSdropperfuls n. Plural of dropperful.
DROPPERFUL n. the contents of a dropper.
DROPPERSFULdroppersful n. Plural of dropperful.
DROPPERFUL n. the contents of a dropper.
PLUPERFECTSpluperfects n. Plural of pluperfect.
PLUPERFECT n. a tense denoting completion of action before a certain point in past time.
PAPULIFEROUSpapuliferous adj. Pimply; covered with papulae.
PAPULIFEROUS adj. pimply.
PURPOSEFULLYpurposefully adv. In a purposeful manner.
purposefully adv. (Proscribed) On purpose, purposely, deliberately.
PURPOSEFUL adv. showing purpose.
NONPURPOSEFULnonpurposeful adj. Not purposeful.
PAPILLIFEROUSpapilliferous adj. Furnished or covered with papillae.
PAPILLIFEROUS adj. bearing papillae.
SUPERPOWERFULsuperpowerful adj. Very powerful; having, or capable of exerting great power, potency, or influence.
SUPERPOWERFUL adj. very powerful.
PURPOSEFULNESSpurposefulness n. The state of being purposeful.
PURPOSEFUL n. showing purpose.
FLUOROPHOSPHATEfluorophosphate n. (Inorganic chemistry) The anion PO3F2- formed by replacing one hydroxyl of a phosphate anion with a…
fluorophosphate n. (Organic chemistry) The functional group >PO3F formed by replacing one hydroxyl of a phosphate group…
FLUOROPHOSPHATE n. a mineral compound of fluorine and phosphorus.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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See this list for:

  • English Wiktionary: 232 words
  • Scrabble in French: 4 words
  • Scrabble in Spanish: no word
  • Scrabble in Italian: no word
  • Scrabble in German: 2 words
  • Scrabble in Romanian: 7 words

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