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There are 16 words containing E, F, I, P, R and 2U

CUPRIFEROUScupriferous adj. Containing or producing copper.
CUPRIFEROUS adj. bearing copper.
CUPULIFEROUScupuliferous adj. (Botany) Bearing, or furnished with, a cupule.
CUPULIFEROUS adj. bearing cupules.
PAPULIFEROUSpapuliferous adj. Pimply; covered with papulae.
PAPULIFEROUS adj. pimply.
PERSULFURICpersulfuric adj. (Inorganic chemistry) Of or pertaining to persulfuric acid.
PERSULFURIC adj. denoting a type of acid, also PERSULPHURIC.
PLUMBIFEROUSplumbiferous adj. Producing or containing lead.
PLUMBIFEROUS adj. bearing or yielding lead.
SUPERFLUIDsuperfluid n. (Physics) A substance, such as liquid helium, that exhibits superfluidity.
superfluid adj. Of, pertaining to, or exhibiting superfluidity.
SUPERFLUID adj. relating to, or demonstrating, superfluidity.
SUPERFLUIDITIESsuperfluidities n. Plural of superfluidity.
SUPERFLUIDITY n. the state of being superfluid.
SUPERFLUIDITYsuperfluidity n. (Physics) The frictionless flow that is characteristic of a fluid with zero viscosity, especially liquid…
SUPERFLUIDITY n. the state of being superfluid.
SUPERFLUIDSsuperfluids n. Plural of superfluid.
SUPERFLUID n. a superfluid substance.
SUPERFLUITIESsuperfluities n. Plural of superfluity.
SUPERFLUITY n. excess.
SUPERFLUITYsuperfluity n. The quality or state of being superfluous; overflowingness.
superfluity n. Something superfluous, as a luxury.
superfluity n. (Rare) Collective noun for a group of nuns.
SUPERFUSINGsuperfusing v. Present participle of superfuse.
SUPERFUSE v. to pour over.
SUPERFUSIONsuperfusion n. (Medicine) The continuous flowing of a sustaining fluid over the outside of an isolated organ.
SUPERFUSION n. the act of superfusing.
SUPERFUSIONSsuperfusions n. Plural of superfusion.
SUPERFUSION n. the act of superfusing.
UNPURIFIEDunpurified adj. Not purified; impure.
UNPURIFIED adj. not purified.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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