EXFILTRATING | • exfiltrating v. Present participle of exfiltrate. • EXFILTRATE v. to remove or withdraw (an intelligence agent, soldier, etc.) surreptitiously from an enemy-held area. |
EXFILTRATION | • exfiltration n. (Military) The process of exiting an area (usually behind enemy lines or in enemy territory). • exfiltration n. (Civil engineering) A method for managing storm water runoff. • exfiltration n. (Sciences) A filtering out (usually movement of a substance through a barrier). |
EXFILTRATIONS | • exfiltrations n. Plural of exfiltration. |
FLEXICURITIES | • FLEXICURITY n. labor practices that give companies the flexibility to fire workers as needed and offer fired workers the security of government-backed benefits and retraining opportunities. |
FLEXICURITY | • flexicurity n. A welfare state model with a proactive labour market policy, combining easy hiring and firing (flexibility… • FLEXICURITY n. labor practices that give companies the flexibility to fire workers as needed and offer fired workers the security of government-backed benefits and retraining opportunities. |
FLEXITARIAN | • flexitarian n. One who is usually or primarily vegetarian, but not strictly so. • flexitarian adj. (Of a person) Being a flexitarian. • flexitarian adj. (Of food, a diet, etc.) Being what a flexitarian might eat. |
FLEXITARIANISM | • flexitarianism n. (US) The practice of eating mainly vegetarian food, but making occasional exceptions for social, pragmatic… • FLEXITARIANISM n. a semi-vegetarian diet involving the practice of eating mainly vegetarian food but making occasional exceptions for e.g. social reasons. |
FLEXITARIANISMS | • FLEXITARIANISM n. a semi-vegetarian diet involving the practice of eating mainly vegetarian food but making occasional exceptions for e.g. social reasons. |
FLEXITARIANS | • flexitarians n. Plural of flexitarian. • FLEXITARIAN n. a vegetarian who is less than strict about what he or she eats. |
REFLEXIBILITIES | • reflexibilities n. Plural of reflexibility. • REFLEXIBILITY n. the state of being reflexible, capable of being reflected. |
REFLEXIBILITY | • reflexibility n. The quality or capability of being reflexible. • REFLEXIBILITY n. the state of being reflexible, capable of being reflected. |
REFLEXIVITIES | • reflexivities n. Plural of reflexivity. • REFLEXIVITY n. the state of being reflexive. |
REFLEXIVITY | • reflexivity n. The condition or state of being reflexive. • REFLEXIVITY n. the state of being reflexive. |