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There are 19 words containing E, F, H, L, S, T and W

FISHWIFELIESTFISHWIFELY adj. like a fishwife, vituperative.
FLAMETHROWERSflamethrowers n. Plural of flamethrower.
flame␣throwers n. Plural of flame thrower.
FLAMETHROWER n. a device that expels from a nozzle a burning stream of liquid or semiliquid fuel under pressure.
FLATWASHESFLATWASH n. laundry that can be ironed mechanically, also FLATWORK.
FLYWEIGHTSflyweights n. Plural of flyweight.
FLYWEIGHT n. in professional boxing, the lowest weight.
HALFPENNYWORTHShalfpennyworths n. Plural of halfpennyworth.
HALFPENNYWORTH n. as much as is sold for a halfpenny or is worth a halfpenny.
HALFWITTEDNESShalfwittedness n. The quality of being halfwitted.
HALFWITTED n. feebleminded.
HEATHFOWLSHEATHFOWL n. a red, or black, grouse.
TWELFTHStwelfths n. Plural of twelfth.
TWELFTH n. a twelfth part of.
UNWATCHFULNESSunwatchfulness n. The quality of being unwatchful.
UNWATCHFULNESS n. the state of being unwatchful.
WATCHFULNESSwatchfulness n. The state or quality of being watchful; alertness, vigilance or wakefulness.
WATCHFULNESS n. the state of being watchful.
WATCHFULNESSESwatchfulnesses n. Plural of watchfulness.
WATCHFULNESS n. the state of being watchful.
WEIGHTLIFTERSweightlifters n. Plural of weightlifter.
weight␣lifters n. Plural of weight lifter.
WEIGHTLIFTER n. one who practises the sport of weightlifting.
WEIGHTLIFTINGSWEIGHTLIFTING n. the sport of lifting weights competitively.
WHEATFIELDSwheatfields n. Plural of wheatfield.
WHEATFIELD n. a field of wheat.
WHIFFLETREESwhiffletrees n. Plural of whiffletree.
WHIFFLETREE n. the crosspiece of a carriage to which harnesses are attached, also SINGLETREE, SWINGLETREE, SWINGTREE, WHIPPLETREE.
WHITEFLIESwhiteflies n. Plural of whitefly.
WHITEFLY n. a small, whitish insect.
WRATHFULNESSwrathfulness n. The quality of being wrathful; wrath.
WRATHFULNESS n. the state of being wrathful.
WRATHFULNESSESWRATHFULNESS n. the state of being wrathful.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the 1Word.ws and WikWik.org.

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See this list for:

  • English Wiktionary: 432 words
  • Scrabble in French: no word
  • Scrabble in Spanish: no word
  • Scrabble in Italian: no word
  • Scrabble in German: 2 words
  • Scrabble in Romanian: no word

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