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There are 17 words containing E, 2F, 2R, T and U

FORFEITUREforfeiture n. (Law) A legal action whereby a person loses all interest in the forfeit property.
forfeiture n. (Law) The loss of forfeit property.
forfeiture n. (Law) The property lost as a forfeit.
FRUCTIFIERfructifier n. Someone or something that fructifies.
FRUCTIFIER n. one who fructifies.
FORFEITURESforfeitures n. Plural of forfeiture.
FORFEITURE n. the act of forfeiting.
FRANKFURTERfrankfurter n. (UK, US, Canada) A moist sausage of soft, even texture and flavor, often made from mechanically recovered…
Frankfurter n. A native or inhabitant of Frankfurt, Germany.
FRANKFURTER n. (German) a small smoked sausage, also FRANKFORT, FRANKFURT.
FRUCTIFIERSfructifiers n. Plural of fructifier.
FRUCTIFIER n. one who fructifies.
FRUITFULLERfruitfuller adj. Comparative form of fruitful: more fruitful.
FRUITFUL adj. productive.
COUNTEROFFERcounteroffer n. An offer made in reply to an unacceptable offer.
counteroffer v. To offer as a counteroffer.
counter-offer n. Alternative form of counteroffer.
FRANKFURTERSfrankfurters n. Plural of frankfurter.
Frankfurters n. Plural of Frankfurter.
FRANKFURTER n. (German) a small smoked sausage, also FRANKFORT, FRANKFURT.
FRUCTIFEROUSfructiferous adj. Bearing fruit.
FRUCTIFEROUS adj. bearing fruit.
QUARTERSTAFFquarterstaff n. A wooden staff of an approximate length between 2 and 2.5 meters, sometimes tipped with iron, used as…
quarterstaff n. Fighting or exercise with the quarterstaff.
quarter-staff n. Alternative form of quarterstaff.
COUNTEREFFORTcountereffort n. An effort made in opposition to another.
COUNTEREFFORT n. an effort opposing another effort.
COUNTEROFFERScounteroffers n. Plural of counteroffer.
counter-offers n. Plural of counter-offer.
COUNTEROFFER n. a return offer made by one who has rejected an offer.
NONFORFEITUREnonforfeiture n. Lack of forfeiture; failure to forfeit, or exemption from forfeiting.
NONFORFEITURE n. something that is not forfeiture.
QUARTERSTAFFSquarterstaffs n. Plural of quarterstaff.
quarter-staffs n. Plural of quarter-staff.
QUARTERSTAFF n. a long wooden pole with an iron tip, an old weapon of defence.
COUNTEREFFORTScounterefforts n. Plural of countereffort.
COUNTEREFFORT n. an effort opposing another effort.
NONFORFEITURESnonforfeitures n. Plural of nonforfeiture.
NONFORFEITURE n. something that is not forfeiture.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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