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There are 16 words containing E, 2F, G, I and 2R

GREFFIERgreffier n. (Obsolete) A registrar or recorder; a notary.
GREFFIER n. (French) in the Channel Isles, a registrar, a notary.
GRUFFIERgruffier adj. Comparative form of gruffy: more gruffy.
GRUFFY adj. low and harsh in speech.
GREFFIERSgreffiers n. Plural of greffier.
GREFFIER n. (French) in the Channel Isles, a registrar, a notary.
FOREFINGERforefinger n. (Human anatomy) The index finger: the first finger next to the thumb.
FOREFINGER n. the finger next to the thumb.
PROFFERINGproffering v. Present participle of proffer.
proffering n. The act by which something is proferred.
PROFFER v. to present for acceptance.
REOFFERINGreoffering v. Present participle of reoffer.
REOFFER v. to offer for public sale.
FIREFIGHTERfirefighter n. A person who has been trained to put out fires.
fire␣fighter n. Alternative form of firefighter.
FIREFIGHTER n. a person who fights fires.
FOREFINGERSforefingers n. Plural of forefinger.
FOREFINGER n. the finger next to the thumb.
FRUGIFEROUSfrugiferous adj. Bearing fruit.
FRUGIFEROUS adj. bearing fruit.
OVERRUFFINGoverruffing v. Present participle of overruff.
OVERRUFF v. at cards, to trump with a higher card than those already played.
REAFFIRMINGreaffirming v. Present participle of reaffirm.
REAFFIRM v. to affirm again.
FIREFIGHTERSfirefighters n. Plural of firefighter.
FIREFIGHTER n. a person who fights fires.
FIREPROOFINGfireproofing v. Present participle of fireproof.
fireproofing n. The process of making something resistant to fire.
fireproofing n. A fire-resistant coating or substance.
REFORTIFYINGrefortifying v. Present participle of refortify.
REFORTIFY v. to fortify anew.
FIREPROOFINGSfireproofings n. Plural of fireproofing.
FIREPROOFING n. the act of making fireproof.
REAFFORESTINGreafforesting v. Present participle of reafforest.
REAFFOREST v. to plant with forest again.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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