PREEMPTIVE | • preemptive adj. Of or relating to preemption. • preemptive adj. Made so as to deter an anticipated unpleasant situation. • preemptive adj. (Bridge, of a high-level bid) Intended to interfere with an opponent’s bidding. |
PRESUMPTIVE | • presumptive adj. Based on presumption, probability, conjecture, hypothesis or belief. • presumptive adj. Making presumptions; behaving as one who presumes, who assumes that which they perhaps should not. • PRESUMPTIVE adj. based on probability or presumption. |
IMPERCEPTIVE | • imperceptive adj. Unable to perceive. • IMPERCEPTIVE adj. not perceptive. |
PREEMPTIVELY | • preemptively adv. In a preemptive manner. • preëmptively adv. Rare spelling of preemptively. • pre-emptively adv. Alternative spelling of preemptively. |
PERSPECTIVISM | • perspectivism n. The philosophical view that all perception always takes place from a specific perspective. • PERSPECTIVISM n. the theory that things can only be known from an individual point of view at a particular time. |
PRESUMPTIVELY | • presumptively adv. In a presumptive manner. • presumptively adv. As is presumed to be the case. • PRESUMPTIVE adv. based on probability or presumption. |
IMPERCEPTIVELY | • imperceptively adv. (Proscribed) imperceptibly. • IMPERCEPTIVE adv. not perceptive. |
IMPERCEPTIVITY | • imperceptivity n. Inability to perceive. • IMPERCEPTIVITY n. the state of being imperceptive. |
PERSPECTIVISMS | • perspectivisms n. Plural of perspectivism. • PERSPECTIVISM n. the theory that things can only be known from an individual point of view at a particular time. |
PRECOMPETITIVE | • precompetitive adj. Describing the early stages of the development of a commercial product, during which competitors collaborate. • PRECOMPETITIVE adj. denoting a period of industrial or commercial development during which competitors work together. |
PREDEVELOPMENT | • predevelopment n. A phase of preparation prior to development. • PREDEVELOPMENT n. a preliminary development. |
MISAPPRECIATIVE | • misappreciative adj. Failing to appreciate properly. • MISAPPRECIATIVE adj. failing to appreciate. |
PREDEVELOPMENTS | • PREDEVELOPMENT n. a preliminary development. |
PRESUMPTIVENESS | • presumptiveness n. The condition of being presumptive. • PRESUMPTIVENESS n. the state of being presumptive. |