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There are 13 words containing 2E, M, 2N, P and V

ANTIDEVELOPMENTantidevelopment adj. (Politics) Opposed to development, particularly the development of neighborhoods or land.
ANTIDEVELOPMENT adj. opposed to development.
CHEMOPREVENTIONchemoprevention n. The prevention of disease by the use of food supplements, drugs etc.
CHEMOPREVENTION n. the use of chemical agents to prevent or slow the development of cancer.
CONSUMPTIVENESSconsumptiveness n. The state of being consumptive.
CONSUMPTIVENESS n. the state of being consumptive.
ENVELOPMENTenvelopment n. The act of enveloping.
envelopment n. That which envelops; a covering.
envelopment n. (Military) An offensive action in which an attacking force moves over or around the enemy and attacks…
ENVELOPMENTSenvelopments n. Plural of envelopment.
ENVELOPMENT n. the act of enveloping.
INCOMPREHENSIVEincomprehensive adj. Not comprehensive; shallow, incomplete.
incomprehensive adj. Uncomprehending.
INCOMPREHENSIVE adj. not comprehensive.
NONCOMPETITIVEnoncompetitive adj. That does not involve competition or rivalry.
non-competitive adj. Alternative spelling of noncompetitive.
NONCOMPETITIVE adj. not competitive.
NONDEVELOPMENTnondevelopment n. Lack of development, or failure to develop.
NONDEVELOPMENT n. something that is not development.
NONDEVELOPMENTSnondevelopments n. Plural of nondevelopment.
NONDEVELOPMENT n. something that is not development.
NONPERMISSIVEnonpermissive adj. Not permissive.
NONPERMISSIVE adj. not permissive.
PAVEMENTINGpavementing n. (Pathology) The situation where damaged endothelium undergoes a change in properties that allows leukocytes…
PAVEMENT v. to provide with a pavement.
SUPERGOVERNMENTsupergovernment n. A government formed from the union of multiple lesser governments.
SUPERGOVERNMENT n. government above other governments.
UNCOMPREHENSIVEuncomprehensive adj. (Archaic) Unable to comprehend.
uncomprehensive adj. (Obsolete) incomprehensible.
UNCOMPREHENSIVE adj. not comprehensive.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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