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There are 15 words containing 2E, 2L, Q, U and Y

ELOQUENTLYeloquently adv. In an eloquent manner; stated well.
ELOQUENT adv. fluent in speech.
BURLESQUELYburlesquely adv. In a burlesque manner.
BURLESQUE adv. resembling a burlesque.
DELINQUENTLYdelinquently adv. In a delinquent manner.
DELINQUENT adv. failing in duty; of or concerning a bad debt or debtor.
EQUIPOLLENCYequipollency n. Alternative form of equipollence.
EQUIPOLLENCY n. equality of force or power, also EQUIPOLLENCE.
EQUIVALENTLYequivalently adv. In an equivalent manner; equally.
EQUIVALENT adv. equal in force, amount, or value.
INELOQUENTLYineloquently adv. Without eloquence.
INELOQUENT adv. not eloquent.
QUENCHLESSLYquenchlessly adv. In a quenchless manner.
QUENCHLESS adv. incapable of being quenched.
SEQUENTIALLYsequentially adv. In sequence, in order.
SEQUENTIAL adv. succeeding or following in order.
EQUILATERALLYequilaterally adv. In an equilateral manner.
EQUILATERAL adv. having all sides equal.
EQUIPOLLENTLYequipollently adv. With equal power.
EQUIPOLLENT adv. having equal power or force.
QUARRELSOMELYquarrelsomely adv. In a quarrelsome manner.
QUARRELSOME adv. apt or disposed to quarrel in an often petty manner.
QUESTIONLESSLYquestionlessly adv. In a questionless manner; assuredly.
QUESTIONLESS adv. unquestioning; beyond question or doubt.
CONSEQUENTIALLYconsequentially adv. In a consequential manner; with consequence or significance.
CONSEQUENTIAL adv. of the nature of a secondary result.
NONSEQUENTIALLYnonsequentially adv. In a nonsequential manner.
SCULPTURESQUELYsculpturesquely adv. In a sculpturesque manner.
SCULPTURESQUE adv. done in the manner of or resembling sculpture.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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See this list for:

  • English Wiktionary: 80 words
  • Scrabble in French: 31 words
  • Scrabble in Spanish: no word
  • Scrabble in Italian: no word
  • Scrabble in German: no word
  • Scrabble in Romanian: no word

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