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There are 18 words containing 2E, 2L, O, X and Y

EXPLOSIVELYexplosively adv. In an explosive manner.
EXPLOSIVE adv. tending to explode.
PHYLLOXERAEphylloxerae n. Plural of phylloxera.
PHYLLOXERA n. a kind of beetle, a pest of vineyards.
REFLEXOLOGYreflexology n. (Medicine) The study and interpretation of behavior in terms of simple and complex reflexes.
reflexology n. (Alternative medicine) A form of complementary medicine involving the stimulation of points on the feet…
REFLEXOLOGY n. a form of therapy for treating particular bodily ailments and general stress.
EXOTERICALLYexoterically adv. In an exoteric manner.
EXOTERICAL adv. intelligible to the uninitiated.
EXOTHERMALLYexothermally adv. In an exothermal manner.
EXOTHERMAL adv. of a chemical reaction, giving out heat, also EXOTHERMIC.
EXTEMPORALLYextemporally adv. In an extemporal manner.
EXTEMPORAL adv. extemporaneous; unpremeditated.
EXCEPTIONALLYexceptionally adv. To an unusual, remarkable or exceptional degree.
EXCEPTIONAL adv. by way of an exception.
EXPLORATIVELYexploratively adv. In an explorative way or fashion.
EXPLORATIVE adv. serving to explore.
EXPONENTIALLYexponentially adv. (Mathematics, sciences) In an exponential manner.
exponentially adv. (Proscribed) rapidly, greatly.
EXPONENTIAL adv. of or relating to an exponent.
EXTENSIONALLYextensionally adv. In terms or by means of extension.
EXTENSIONAL adv. of, relating to, or marked by extension.
EXOTHERMICALLYexothermically adv. In an exothermic manner.
EXOTHERMIC adv. of a chemical reaction, giving out heat, also EXOTHERMAL.
EXPLOITATIVELYexploitatively adv. In an exploitative manner.
EXPLOITATIVE adv. serving to exploit, also EXPLOITIVE.
HETEROSEXUALLYheterosexually adj. In a heterosexual way.
HETEROSEXUAL adv. attracted to the opposite sex.
CYCLOHEXYLAMINEcyclohexylamine n. (Organic chemistry) The primary amine derived from cyclohexane by replacing a hydrogen atom by an amino…
CYCLOHEXYLAMINE n. a colorless liquid amine that is used in organic synthesis and to prevent corrosion in boilers and that is believed to be harmful as a metabolic breakdown product of cyclamate.
EXTERRITORIALLYexterritorially adv. Outside of a territory.
EXTERRITORIAL adv. extraterritorial.
HEXYLRESORCINOLhexylresorcinol n. (Organic chemistry) A hexyl derivative of resorcinol that has anaesthetic, antiseptic and antihelmintic properties.
HEXYLRESORCINOL n. a crystalline phenol used as an antiseptic and anthelmintic.
STEREOTAXICALLYstereotaxically adv. In a stereotaxic manner.
stereotaxically adv. With regard to stereotaxis.
STEREOTAXIC adv. relating to stereotaxis, the reaction of an organism to contact with a solid body.
UNEXCEPTIONALLYunexceptionally adv. In an unexceptional manner.
UNEXCEPTIONAL adv. not out of the ordinary.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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  • English Wiktionary: 347 words
  • Scrabble in French: 10 words
  • Scrabble in Spanish: no word
  • Scrabble in Italian: no word
  • Scrabble in German: no word
  • Scrabble in Romanian: no word

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