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There are 15 words containing 2E, 2K, N, R and S

STEENKIRKSteenkirk n. (Historical) A lace cravat loosely worn.
STEENKIRK n. (historical) a neckcloth or cravat with long lace ends, also STEINKIRK.
KEKERENGUSKEKERENGU n. (Maori) a New Zealand bug.
KNACKERIESknackeries n. Plural of knackery.
KNACKERY n. a knacker's yard.
STEENKIRKSSteenkirks n. Plural of Steenkirk.
STEENKIRK n. (historical) a neckcloth or cravat with long lace ends, also STEINKIRK.
DUKKERIPENSDUKKERIPEN n. (Romany) fortune-telling.
KNOBKERRIESknobkerries n. Plural of knobkerry.
knobkerries n. Plural of knobkerrie.
KNOBKERRIE n. a short South African knobbed-head club.
KARYOKINESESkaryokineses n. Plural of karyokinesis.
KARYOKINESIS n. division of the cell nucleus.
UNDERSKINKERunderskinker n. (Obsolete) An assistant tapster.
UNDERSKINKER n. (Shakespeare) an assistant tapster.
KNUCKLEDUSTERknuckleduster n. Alternative spelling of knuckle duster.
knuckle-duster n. Alternative spelling of knuckle duster.
knuckle␣duster n. (Britain, Australia) A weapon made of metal worn around the knuckles that strengthens the impact of…
UNDERSKINKERSunderskinkers n. Plural of underskinker.
UNDERSKINKER n. (Shakespeare) an assistant tapster.
KNICKERBOCKERSknickerbockers n. Men’s or boys’ baggy knee breeches, of a type particularly popular in the early 20th century.
Knickerbockers n. (Archaic or historical) plural of Knickerbocker; New Yorkers, particularly descendants of its original Dutch settlers.
Knickerbockers n. (Basketball, uncommon) The formal name of the New York Knicks, a team in the National Basketball Association.
KNUCKLEBALLERSknuckleballers n. Plural of knuckleballer.
KNUCKLEBALLER n. a player who delivers knuckleballs.
KNUCKLEDUSTERSknuckledusters n. Plural of knuckleduster.
knuckle-dusters n. Plural of knuckle-duster.
knuckle␣dusters n. Plural of knuckle duster.
STRIKEBREAKINGstrikebreaking v. Present participle of strikebreak.
strikebreaking n. Activity intended to disrupt or end a strike without an agreement by workers.
strikebreaking adj. Of or pertaining to such activity.
STRIKEBREAKINGSstrikebreakings n. Plural of strikebreaking.
STRIKEBREAKING n. action designed to break up a strike.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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See this list for:

  • English Wiktionary: 337 words
  • Scrabble in French: 12 words
  • Scrabble in Spanish: no word
  • Scrabble in Italian: 1 word
  • Scrabble in German: 13 words
  • Scrabble in Romanian: no word

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