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There are 18 words containing 2E, J, 2N, O and U

UNENJOYEDunenjoyed adj. Not enjoyed.
UNENJOYED adj. not enjoyed.
JOURNEYMENjourneymen n. Plural of journeyman.
JOURNEYMAN n. an experienced reliable worker or performer esp. as distinguished from one who is brilliant or colourful.
CONJUREMENTconjurement n. (Obsolete) Serious injunction; solemn demand or entreaty.
CONJUREMENT n. the act of conjuring.
UNENJOYABLEunenjoyable adj. Not enjoyable.
UNENJOYABLE adj. not enjoyable.
CONJUREMENTSconjurements n. Plural of conjurement.
CONJUREMENT n. the act of conjuring.
JOCUNDNESSESJOCUNDNESS n. the state of being jocund.
REJUVENATIONrejuvenation n. The process of rendering young again.
rejuvenation n. The process of producing beneficial changes.
REJUVENATION n. the act of making young again.
TECHNOJUNKIEtechnojunkie n. (Informal) One who has an addiction to computer technology.
TECHNOJUNKIE n. someone who is obsessed with technology.
CONJUGATENESSconjugateness n. The quality of being conjugate.
CONJUGATE n. joined, connected.
NONSUBJECTIVEnonsubjective adj. Not subjective.
NONSUBJECTIVE adj. not subjective.
REJUVENATIONSrejuvenations n. Plural of rejuvenation.
REJUVENATION n. the act of making young again.
TECHNOJUNKIEStechnojunkies n. Plural of technojunkie.
TECHNOJUNKIE n. someone who is obsessed with technology.
UNCONJECTUREDunconjectured adj. Not conjectured.
UNCONJECTURED adj. not conjectured.
NONJUDGEMENTALnonjudgemental adj. Alternative spelling of nonjudgmental.
non-judgemental adj. Alternative form of nonjudgemental.
NONJUDGEMENTAL adj. avoiding judgments based on one's personal and esp. moral standards, also NONJUDGMENTAL.
CONJUNCTIVENESSconjunctiveness n. Synonym of conjunctivity.
CONJUNCTIVENESS n. the state of being conjunctive.
INJURIOUSNESSESinjuriousnesses n. Plural of injuriousness.
INJURIOUSNESS n. the state of being injurious.
UNOBJECTIONABLEunobjectionable adj. Not objectionable; not causing any objection.
UNOBJECTIONABLE adj. not objectionable.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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