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There are 18 words containing 2E, J, L, 2S and U

JEALOUSESjealouses v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of jealouse.
JEALOUSE v. (Scots) to suspect, also JALOUSE.
JUDGELESSjudgeless adj. Without a judge.
JUDGELESS adj. without a judge.
JUICELESSjuiceless adj. Without juice or sap.
juiceless adj. Dry, dull; lacking vivacity or spirit.
JUICELESS adj. without juice.
PULSEJETSpulsejets n. Plural of pulsejet.
pulse␣jets n. Plural of pulse jet.
PULSEJET n. in jet propulsion, an intermittent jet, also PULSOJET.
JEALOUSESTjealousest adj. Superlative form of jealous: most jealous.
JEALOUS adj. resentful of another's advantages, also GEALOUS.
JEALOUSIESjealousies n. Plural of jealousy.
JEALOUSY n. a jealous feeling, also GEALOUSY, GELOSY.
JEALOUSNESSjealousness n. The state or condition of being jealous.
JEALOUSNESS n. the state of being jealous.
JOURNALESESjournaleses n. Plural of journalese.
JOURNALESE n. the jargon of bad journalism.
SUBJECTLESSsubjectless adj. Lacking a subject (citizen).
subjectless adj. Lacking a subject or theme.
subjectless adj. (Grammar) Lacking a grammatical subject.
JOYFULNESSESjoyfulnesses n. Plural of joyfulness.
JOYFULNESS n. the state of being joyful.
JUVENILENESSjuvenileness n. Juvenility.
JUVENILENESS n. the state of being juvenile.
JEALOUSNESSESJEALOUSNESS n. the state of being jealous.
JUVENILENESSESJUVENILENESS n. the state of being juvenile.
JUSTIFIABLENESSjustifiableness n. Justifiability.
JUSTIFIABLE n. that can be justified.
PREJUDICIALNESSprejudicialness n. The quality of being prejudicial.
PREJUDICIAL n. tending to injure or impair.
TELEJOURNALISMSTELEJOURNALISM n. journalism for television.
TELEJOURNALISTStelejournalists n. Plural of telejournalist.
TELEJOURNALIST n. a journalist working for television.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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