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There are 20 words containing 2E, I, 2P, S and W

CRIPPLEWARESCRIPPLEWARE n. software that has been partly disabled to provide a limited demonstration of its use.
FELLOWSHIPPEDfellowshipped v. Simple past tense and past participle of fellowship.
FELLOWSHIP v. to join in fellowship esp. with a church member.
HAWSEPIPEhawsepipe n. (Nautical) metal pipe fitted into a hawsehole, to protect the wood.
hawse-pipe n. Alternative spelling of hawsepipe.
hawse␣pipe n. Alternative spelling of hawsepipe.
HAWSEPIPEShawsepipes n. Plural of hawsepipe.
hawse-pipes n. Plural of hawse-pipe.
hawse␣pipes n. Plural of hawse pipe.
HORSEWHIPPEDhorsewhipped v. Simple past tense and past participle of horsewhip.
HORSEWHIP v. to beat with a horsewhip.
HORSEWHIPPERhorsewhipper n. One who horsewhips.
HORSEWHIPPER n. one who uses a horsewhip.
HORSEWHIPPERShorsewhippers n. Plural of horsewhipper.
HORSEWHIPPER n. one who uses a horsewhip.
NEWSPAPERINGnewspapering v. Present participle of newspaper.
NEWSPAPER v. to work on a newspaper.
NEWSPAPERISMnewspaperism n. (Dated, derogatory) The attitudes and stylistic approach of newspapers; being lowbrow and sensationalistic, etc.
NEWSPAPERISM n. the system of having newspapers.
NEWSPAPERISMSNEWSPAPERISM n. the system of having newspapers.
PAPERWEIGHTSpaperweights n. Plural of paperweight.
PAPERWEIGHT n. a usually small heavy object used to hold down loose papers.
PAPERWHITESpaperwhites n. Plural of paperwhite.
PENWIPERSpenwipers n. Plural of penwiper.
PENWIPER n. a piece of equipment for cleaning the ink from a pen.
PIEPOWDERSpiepowders n. Plural of piepowder.
PIEPOWDER n. (obsolete) a wayfarer, esp. an itinerant merchant or trader.
UPSWEEPINGupsweeping v. Present participle of upsweep.
UPSWEEP v. to sweep upward.
WHIPPERSNAPPERwhippersnapper n. (Colloquial, dated) A young and cheeky or presumptuous person.
whipper-snapper n. Alternative form of whippersnapper.
whipper␣snapper n. Alternative form of whippersnapper.
WHIPPERSNAPPERSwhippersnappers n. Plural of whippersnapper.
whipper-snappers n. Plural of whipper-snapper.
whipper␣snappers n. Plural of whipper snapper.
WHIPPINESSESWHIPPINESS n. the state of being whippy.
WHIPPLETREESwhippletrees n. Plural of whippletree.
whipple-trees n. Plural of whipple-tree.
whipple␣trees n. Plural of whipple tree.
WIRETAPPERSwiretappers n. Plural of wiretapper.
WIRETAPPER n. one that taps telephone or telegraph wires.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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See this list for:

  • English Wiktionary: 267 words
  • Scrabble in French: 2 words
  • Scrabble in Spanish: no word
  • Scrabble in Italian: no word
  • Scrabble in German: 2 words
  • Scrabble in Romanian: no word

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