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There are 14 words containing 2E, I, 2L and 2V

ALLEVIATIVEalleviative adj. That alleviates pain; palliative.
alleviative n. That which alleviates; a drug or remedy.
ALLEVIATIVE adj. tending to alleviate, also ALLEVIATORY.
DEVVELLINGdevvelling v. Present participle of devvel.
DEVVEL v. (Scots) to stun with a club, also DEVEL.
LIVERLEAVESLIVERLEAF n. a woodland plant.
OVERVIOLENTLYSorry, definition not available.
REVULSIVELYREVULSIVE adv. causing, or tending to, revulsion.
VALVELIKEvalvelike adj. Resembling or characteristic of a valve.
VALVELIKE adj. like a valve.
VAUDEVILLEvaudeville n. (Historical, uncountable) A style of multi-act theatrical entertainment which originated from France…
vaudeville n. (Historical, countable) An entertainment in this style.
VAUDEVILLE n. theatrical entertainment featuring a variety of acts such as songs, dances, comedy, acrobatics, magic, pantomime, etc.
VAUDEVILLEANvaudevillean n. Alternative form of vaudevillian.
VAUDEVILLEAN n. a performer or writer of vaudeville, also VAUDEVILLIAN.
VAUDEVILLEANSvaudevilleans n. Plural of vaudevillean.
VAUDEVILLEAN n. a performer or writer of vaudeville, also VAUDEVILLIAN.
VAUDEVILLESvaudevilles n. Plural of vaudeville.
VAUDEVILLE n. theatrical entertainment featuring a variety of acts such as songs, dances, comedy, acrobatics, magic, pantomime, etc.
VELLICATIVEvellicative adj. Causing vellication; provoking irritation or twitching.
VELLICATIVE adj. relating to vellication, the action of pulling or twitching.
VELVETLIKEvelvetlike adj. Resembling velvet or some aspect of it.
VELVETLIKE adj. like velvet.
VENVILLEvenville n. (Historical) A system of tenure in Dartmoor, England, allowing residents to graze animals on the moor…
VENVILLE n. a form of tenure in parishes around Dartmoor.
VENVILLESvenvilles n. Plural of venville.
VENVILLE n. a form of tenure in parishes around Dartmoor.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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