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There are 15 words containing 2E, H, I, K, M and T

HELMETLIKEhelmetlike adj. Resembling a helmet.
HELMETLIKE adj. like a helmet.
MAKEWEIGHTmakeweight n. Something of inferior quality which is included in a shipment to make up the weight.
makeweight n. Something included to add to the apparent weight or force of an argument.
MAKEWEIGHT n. a small quantity added to make up a certain weight e.g. an extra slice of bread; hence, an insignificant person or thing.
METHINKETHmethinketh cont. (Archaic) methinks.
METHINKETH v. (obsolete) I think, also METHINK, METHINKS.
MOTHERLIKEmotherlike adj. Having the quality or suggestive of a mother; maternal, motherly.
MAKEWEIGHTSmakeweights n. Plural of makeweight.
MAKEWEIGHT n. a small quantity added to make up a certain weight e.g. an extra slice of bread; hence, an insignificant person or thing.
NIKETHAMIDEnikethamide n. A stimulant which mainly affects the respiratory cycle.
NIKETHAMIDE n. a drug used as a heart stimulant, aka coramine.
MERCHANTLIKEmerchantlike adj. Befitting a good merchant; fair, honest, above board.
MERCHANTLIKE adj. (Shakespeare) like a merchant.
NIKETHAMIDESNIKETHAMIDE n. a drug used as a heart stimulant, aka coramine.
GEMUTLICHKEITgemutlichkeit n. Alternative form of Gemütlichkeit.
gemütlichkeit n. Misspelling of Gemütlichkeit.
Gemütlichkeit n. The state or fact of being gemütlich; middle-class niceness or cosiness, hospitality.
GEMUTLICHKEITSGEMUTLICHKEIT n. (German) the quality of being gemutlich; geniality; cosiness.
LOCKSMITHERIESLOCKSMITHERY n. the craft of the locksmith.
KINEMATOGRAPHERkinematographer n. Cinematographer.
KINEMATOGRAPHER n. one who operates a kinematograph.
MICROEARTHQUAKEmicroearthquake n. A very low-intensity earthquake, usually three or less on the Richter scale.
MICROEARTHQUAKE n. an earthquake of low intensity.
POIKILOTHERMIESPOIKILOTHERMY n. the state of being cold-blooded, also POIKILOTHERMISM.
SHOCKUMENTARIESshockumentaries n. Plural of shockumentary.
SHOCKUMENTARY n. a documentary intended to shock.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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