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There are 15 words containing 2E, G, K, L, O and R

KEYLOGGERkeylogger n. Alternative spelling of key logger.
key␣logger n. (Computing) Software or hardware designed to record keyboard entries, often for the purpose of stealing…
KEYLOGGER n. a device or software application for covertly recording keystrokes on a remote computer.
GOALKEEPERgoalkeeper n. (Sports) A designated player that attempts to prevent the opposing team from scoring by protecting a goal.
goal␣keeper n. Alternative form of goalkeeper.
GOALKEEPER n. a player who defends the goal in any of various games (as hockey, lacrosse, or soccer).
GROOVELIKEgroovelike adj. Resembling or characteristic of a groove (channel or depression).
GROOVELIKE adj. like a groove.
GROUSELIKEgrouselike adj. Resembling or characteristic of a grouse.
GROUSELIKE adj. like a grouse.
KEYLOGGERSkeyloggers n. Plural of keylogger.
key␣loggers n. Plural of key logger.
KEYLOGGER n. a device or software application for covertly recording keystrokes on a remote computer.
GOALKEEPERSgoalkeepers n. Plural of goalkeeper.
goal␣keepers n. Plural of goal keeper.
GOALKEEPER n. a player who defends the goal in any of various games (as hockey, lacrosse, or soccer).
TELEWORKINGteleworking v. Present participle of telework.
TELEWORKING n. working from home via electronic links.
ACKNOWLEDGERacknowledger n. One who acknowledges.
ACKNOWLEDGER n. one who acknowledges.
STEELWORKINGsteelworking n. The act of working steel, the creation of steelwork or steelwares.
STEELWORKING n. the business of producing steel.
TELEWORKINGSTELEWORKING n. working from home via electronic links.
ACKNOWLEDGERSacknowledgers n. Plural of acknowledger.
ACKNOWLEDGER n. one who acknowledges.
FOREKNOWLEDGEforeknowledge n. Knowing beforehand; foresight, precognition, prescience.
FOREKNOWLEDGE n. knowledge in advance of the event.
STEELWORKINGSSTEELWORKING n. the business of producing steel.
FOREKNOWLEDGESforeknowledges n. Plural of foreknowledge.
FOREKNOWLEDGE n. knowledge in advance of the event.
KREMLINOLOGIESKREMLINOLOGY n. the study of the policies and practices of the former Soviet government.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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