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There are 20 words containing 2E, G, 2H, I and L

ARCHGENETHLIACARCHGENETHLIAC n. (Browning) in derogatory sense, the greatest of genethliacs or astrologers.
ARCHGENETHLIACSARCHGENETHLIAC n. (Browning) in derogatory sense, the greatest of genethliacs or astrologers.
EIGHTEENTHLYeighteenthly adv. In the eighteenth place; eighteenth in a row.
EIGHTEENTH adv. number eighteen in sequence.
FEATHERLIGHTfeatherlight adj. Alternative form of feather-light.
feather-light adj. Extremely light; light as a feather.
FEATHERLIGHT adj. extremely light.
GHOULISHNESSESGHOULISHNESS n. the state of being ghoulish.
HELIOGRAPHEDheliographed v. Simple past tense and past participle of heliograph.
HELIOGRAPH v. to signal by heliograph.
HELIOGRAPHERheliographer n. One who signals by heliography.
heliographer n. (Obsolete) A photographer.
HELIOGRAPHER n. one who uses a heliograph.
HELIOGRAPHERSheliographers n. Plural of heliographer.
HELIOGRAPHER n. one who uses a heliograph.
HELIOGRAPHIESHELIOGRAPHY n. the practice of signalling by heliograph.
HELMINTHOLOGIESHELMINTHOLOGY n. the study of parasitic worms.
HETEROGRAPHICALHETEROGRAPHICAL adj. relating to heterography, incorrect spelling, also HETEROGRAPHIC.
HIEROGLYPHEDhieroglyphed adj. Inscribed with hieroglyphs.
HIEROGLYPH v. to represent by hieroglyphs.
LIGHTHEARTEDlighthearted adj. Joyful, glad, taking pleasure in being alive; not depressed or sad.
lighthearted adj. Enjoyably lacking of seriousness, not grave.
light-hearted adj. Alternative spelling of lighthearted.
LIGHTHEARTEDLYlightheartedly adv. In a lighthearted manner, cheerfully, with joy.
light-heartedly adv. Alternative form of lightheartedly.
LIGHTHEARTED adv. free from care.
LIGHTHOUSEMENlighthousemen n. Plural of lighthouseman.
LIGHTHOUSEMAN n. one who keeps a lighthouse.
PHLEBOGRAPHIESphlebographies n. Plural of phlebography.
PHLEBOGRAPHY n. radiography of a vein after injection of a contrast medium, aka venography.
SHEPHERDLINGshepherdling n. (Poetic, archaic) A little shepherd.
SHEPHERDLING n. a little shepherd.
SHEPHERDLINGSshepherdlings n. Plural of shepherdling.
SHEPHERDLING n. a little shepherd.
WHEELWRIGHTwheelwright n. A person who builds and repairs wheels, especially wooden spoked ones.
Wheelwright prop.n. A comparatively rare English surname originating as an occupation for someone who made wooden wheels.
Wheelwright prop.n. A home rule-class city in Floyd County, Kentucky, United States.
WHEELWRIGHTSwheelwrights n. Plural of wheelwright.
WHEELWRIGHT n. a maker and repairer of wheels and wheeled vehicles.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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