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There are 16 words containing 2E, F, 2I, R and W

WIFELIERwifelier adj. Comparative form of wifely: more wifely.
WIFELY adj. befitting a wife.
VIEWFINDERviewfinder n. A device on a camera that shows what will appear in the field of view of the lens; it helps the user…
VIEWFINDER n. a device on a camera for showing the area of the subject to be included in the picture.
FREEWRITINGfreewriting n. A prewriting technique in which the writer writes continuously for a set period of time without regard…
freewriting v. Present participle of freewrite.
FREEWRITING n. writing without the constraint of form.
MIDWIFERIESmidwiferies n. Plural of midwifery.
MIDWIFERY n. the occupation of a midwife.
VIEWFINDERSviewfinders n. Plural of viewfinder.
VIEWFINDER n. a device on a camera for showing the area of the subject to be included in the picture.
WHIFFLERIESWHIFFLERY n. levity; trifling.
FISHWIFELIERFISHWIFELY adj. like a fishwife, vituperative.
FOREWEIGHINGforeweighing v. Present participle of foreweigh.
FOREWEIGH v. (archaic) to estimate beforehand.
FREEWRITINGSfreewritings n. Plural of freewriting.
FREEWRITING n. writing without the constraint of form.
WEIGHTLIFTERweightlifter n. (Weightlifting) A person who competes for maximum weight lifted in a series of specific lifts.
weightlifter n. A person who uses weights to train the muscles of the body, usually for strength or for improved performance…
weight␣lifter n. Alternative spelling of weightlifter.
HOUSEWIFERIEShousewiferies n. Plural of housewifery.
HOUSEWIFERY n. the work of a housewife.
WEIGHTLIFTERSweightlifters n. Plural of weightlifter.
weight␣lifters n. Plural of weight lifter.
WEIGHTLIFTER n. one who practises the sport of weightlifting.
WINTERFEEDINGwinterfeeding v. Present participle of winterfeed.
WINTERFEED v. to feed livestock in winter when the grazing is not rich enough.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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