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There are 15 words containing 3E, N, O, Q and R

CONQUERABLENESSconquerableness n. The quality of being conquerable.
CONQUERABLE n. that can be conquered.
CONQUERESSESconqueresses n. Plural of conqueress.
CONQUERESS n. a woman who conquers.
DEREQUISITIONEDderequisitioned v. Simple past tense and past participle of derequisition.
DEREQUISITION v. to return (something that has been used for a military purpose) to civilian use.
EQUIPONDERANCEequiponderance n. The state of being equal in weight; equipoise.
EQUIPONDERANCE n. equality of weight or balance, also EQUIPONDERANCY.
EQUIPONDERATEequiponderate v. To counterbalance.
EQUIPONDERATE v. to be equal in weight; to balance.
EQUIPONDERATEDequiponderated v. Simple past tense and past participle of equiponderate.
EQUIPONDERATE v. to be equal in weight; to balance.
EQUIPONDERATESequiponderates v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of equiponderate.
EQUIPONDERATE v. to be equal in weight; to balance.
GROTESQUENESSgrotesqueness n. The characteristic or quality of being grotesque.
GROTESQUENESS n. the state of being grotesque.
GROTESQUENESSESgrotesquenesses n. Plural of grotesqueness.
GROTESQUENESS n. the state of being grotesque.
GYROFREQUENCIESgyrofrequencies n. Plural of gyrofrequency.
GYROFREQUENCY n. the frequency with which a charged particle (as an electron) executes spiral gyrations in moving obliquely across a magnetic field.
QUARRELSOMENESSquarrelsomeness n. The quality of being quarrelsome; an argumentative nature.
QUARRELSOME n. apt or disposed to quarrel in an often petty manner.
QUERULOUSNESSESquerulousnesses n. Plural of querulousness.
QUERULOUSNESS n. the state of being querulous.
RECONQUEREDreconquered v. Simple past tense and past participle of reconquer.
RECONQUER v. to conquer again.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the 1Word.ws and WikWik.org.

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