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There are 13 words containing 3E, 2H, S and W

CHECKWEIGHERScheckweighers n. Plural of checkweigher.
check␣weighers n. Plural of check weigher.
CHECKWEIGHER n. a colliery worker who, on behalf of the miners, checks the weight of coal sent up to the pit-mouth.
ELSEWHITHERelsewhither adv. (Formal) To some other place; in some other direction.
ELSEWHITHER adv. to another place.
FEATHERWEIGHTSfeatherweights n. Plural of featherweight.
FEATHERWEIGHT n. a weight division in boxing.
SHREWISHNESSESSHREWISHNESS n. the state of being shrewish.
WHEELHORSEwheelhorse n. (US, dated) One of a team of horses which is nearest to the wheels of a carriage, as opposed to a leader…
wheelhorse n. (US, figuratively) A person who labors heavily for a particular cause, without being concerned about recognition.
wheelhorse n. (Obsolete or historical) A foot-propelled vehicle; a bicycle.
WHEELHORSESwheelhorses n. Plural of wheelhorse.
wheel-horses n. Plural of wheel-horse (alternative form of wheelhorses).
wheel␣horses n. Plural of wheel horse (alternative form of wheelhorses).
WHEELHOUSEwheelhouse n. A building or other structure containing a (large) wheel, such as the water wheel of a mill.
wheelhouse n. (Archaeology) A prehistoric structure from the Iron Age found in Scotland, characteristically including…
wheelhouse n. (Canada, US, baseball, by extension from sense 1.2) A pitch location which is favourable to the hitter.
WHEELHOUSESwheelhouses n. Plural of wheelhouse.
wheel-houses n. Plural of wheel-house.
wheel␣houses n. Plural of wheel house.
WHEESHEDwheeshed v. Simple past tense and past participle of wheesh.
WHEESH v. (Scots) to call for silence, also WHEESHT, WHISHT.
WHEESHESwheeshes v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of wheesh.
WHEESH v. (Scots) to call for silence, also WHEESHT, WHISHT.
WHEESHTEDWHEESHT v. (Scots) to call for silence, also WHEESH, WHISHT.
WHEYISHNESSESWHEYISHNESS n. the state of being wheyish.
WHITHERSOEVERwhithersoever adv. (Archaic) To what place soever; wherever.
WHITHERSOEVER adv. to any place whatsoever.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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  • English Wiktionary: 468 words
  • Scrabble in French: no word
  • Scrabble in Spanish: no word
  • Scrabble in Italian: no word
  • Scrabble in German: no word
  • Scrabble in Romanian: no word

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