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There are 20 words containing 3E, G, I, R and X

EXERGIESexergies n. Plural of exergy.
EXERGY n. a measure of the maximum amount of work that can theoretically be obtained from a system.
GENETRIXESgenetrixes n. Plural of genetrix.
GENETRIX n. (Latin) a mother, also GENITRIX.
REEXECUTINGREEXECUTE v. to execute again.
REEXPELLINGreexpelling v. Present participle of reexpel.
REEXPEL v. to expel again.
EXAGGERATIVEexaggerative adj. Marked by exaggeration.
EXAGGERATIVE adj. tending to exaggerate.
EXCHEQUERINGexchequering v. Present participle of exchequer.
EXCHEQUER v. to place in an exchequer or treasury.
EXENTERATINGexenterating v. Present participle of exenterate.
EXENTERATE v. (obsolete) to disembowel.
EXHEREDATINGexheredating v. Present participle of exheredate.
EXHEREDATE v. to disinherit.
EXPERIENCINGexperiencing v. Present participle of experience.
EXPERIENCE v. to have practical acquaintance with.
OVEREXERTINGoverexerting v. Present participle of overexert.
OVEREXERT v. to exert oneself to excess.
PREEXEMPTINGPREEXEMPT v. to exempt beforehand.
REEXPRESSINGreexpressing v. Present participle of reexpress.
re-expressing v. Present participle of re-express.
REEXPRESS v. to express again.
SEXAGENARIESsexagenaries n. Plural of sexagenary.
SEXAGENARY n. someone in their sixties.
EXPERIMENTINGexperimenting v. Present participle of experiment.
experimenting n. Experimentation.
EXPERIMENT v. to carry out experiments.
OVEREXTENDINGoverextending v. Present participle of overextend.
OVEREXTEND v. to extend beyond a safe or reasonable point.
REFLEXOLOGIESreflexologies n. Plural of reflexology.
REFLEXOLOGY n. a form of therapy for treating particular bodily ailments and general stress.
HYPEREXTENDINGhyperextending v. Present participle of hyperextend.
HYPEREXTEND v. to extend so that the angle between bones of a joint is greater than normal.
OVEREXERCISINGoverexercising v. Present participle of overexercise.
OVEREXERCISE v. to exercise to excess.
REEXPERIENCINGreexperiencing v. Present participle of reexperience.
re-experiencing v. Present participle of re-experience.
REEXPERIENCE v. to experience again.
ENTEROTOXIGENICenterotoxigenic adj. (Biology) That produces enterotoxins.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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