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There are 19 words containing 3E, G, I, O and X

DEOXYGENISEDEOXYGENISE v. to remove oxygen from, also DEOXYGENIZE.
DEOXYGENIZEdeoxygenize v. (Chemistry) To deoxidize.
DEOXYGENIZE v. to remove oxygen from, also DEOXYGENISE.
DEOXYGENIZEDdeoxygenized v. Simple past tense and past participle of deoxygenize.
DEOXYGENIZE v. to remove oxygen from, also DEOXYGENISE.
DEOXYGENIZESdeoxygenizes v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of deoxygenize.
DEOXYGENIZE v. to remove oxygen from, also DEOXYGENISE.
ENTEROTOXIGENICenterotoxigenic adj. (Biology) That produces enterotoxins.
EXIGUOUSNESSESEXIGUOUSNESS n. the state of being exiguous.
EXOGENETICexogenetic adj. Existing or arising outside of a system or organism; exogenous.
EXOGENETIC adj. not genetic, not caused by genetic factors.
GEOTEXTILEgeotextile n. Any strong, permeable fabric used in earthworks for any of a number of purposes, including separation…
GEOTEXTILE n. any strong synthetic fabric used in civil engineering, as to retain an embankment.
GEOTEXTILESgeotextiles n. Plural of geotextile.
GEOTEXTILE n. any strong synthetic fabric used in civil engineering, as to retain an embankment.
OVEREXERCISINGoverexercising v. Present participle of overexercise.
OVEREXERCISE v. to exercise to excess.
OVEREXERTINGoverexerting v. Present participle of overexert.
OVEREXERT v. to exert oneself to excess.
OVEREXTENDINGoverextending v. Present participle of overextend.
OVEREXTEND v. to extend beyond a safe or reasonable point.
REFLEXOLOGIESreflexologies n. Plural of reflexology.
REFLEXOLOGY n. a form of therapy for treating particular bodily ailments and general stress.
XENOGENEICxenogeneic adj. (Genetics) Derived from a different species and therefore genetically and immunologically incompatible.
XENOGENEIC adj. descended from a member of another species.
XENOGENESISxenogenesis n. A foreign origin or source.
xenogenesis n. (Biology) The production of an offspring that is unlike either of its parents.
XENOGENESIS n. the supposed production of offspring totally different from the parents, also XENOGENY.
XENOGENETICxenogenetic adj. Being of foreign origin; having originated elsewhere.
xenogenetic adj. Relating to xenogenesis.
XENOGENETIC adj. relating to xenogeny, the supposed production of offspring totally different from the parents, also XENOGENIC.
XENOGENIESXENOGENY n. the production of offspring totally different from the parent.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the 1Word.ws and WikWik.org.

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