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There are 20 words containing 3E, G, I, L and W

WEDGELIKEwedgelike adj. Shaped like a wedge.
wedge-like adj. Alternative form of wedgelike.
WEDGELIKE adj. like a wedge.
BEJEWELINGbejeweling v. Present participle of bejewel.
BEJEWEL v. to adorn with jewels.
ENWHEELINGenwheeling v. Present participle of enwheel.
ENWHEEL v. (Shakespeare) to encircle.
BEJEWELLINGbejewelling v. Present participle of bejewel.
BEJEWEL v. to adorn with jewels.
SWINGLETREEswingletree n. Alternative form of singletree.
swingle-tree n. Alternative spelling of swingletree.
swingle␣tree n. Alternative spelling of swingletree.
TELEVIEWINGteleviewing v. Present participle of teleview.
TELEVIEWING n. the act of observing by means of television.
FREEWHEELINGfreewheeling adj. Unbounded by rules or conventions; unrestrained.
freewheeling v. Present participle of freewheel.
free-wheeling adj. Alternative form of freewheeling.
SWINGLETREESswingletrees n. Plural of swingletree.
swingle-trees n. Plural of swingle-tree.
swingle␣trees n. Plural of swingle tree.
TELEVIEWINGSTELEVIEWING n. the act of observing by means of television.
WELTERWEIGHTwelterweight adj. Alternative spelling of welter-weight.
welterweight n. Alternative spelling of welter-weight.
welter-weight adj. (Boxing) between lightweight and middleweight.
WHIGMALEERIEWHIGMALEERIE n. (Scots) a trinket or knickknack; a fantastic ornamentation; a whim, also WHIGMALEERY.
FREEWHEELINGSFREEWHEELING n. the act of freewheeling.
OVERWEENINGLYoverweeningly adv. In an overweening way; arrogantly.
TWEEDLEDEEINGTWEEDLEDEE v. (Scots) to tweedle on a fiddle.
WELTERWEIGHTSwelterweights n. Plural of welterweight.
welter-weights n. Plural of welter-weight.
WELTERWEIGHT n. a weight division in boxing.
WHIGMALEERIESWHIGMALEERIE n. (Scots) a trinket or knickknack; a fantastic ornamentation; a whim, also WHIGMALEERY.
FREEWHEELINGLYfreewheelingly adv. In a freewheeling manner; without constraint.
FREEWHEELING adv. coasting.
WEIGHTLESSNESSweightlessness n. (Uncountable) The state of being free from the effects of gravity (the force).
weightlessness n. (Countable) An experience or instance of being weightless.
WEIGHTLESSNESS n. the state of being weightless.
WINGLESSNESSESWINGLESSNESS n. the state of being wingless.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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See this list for:

  • English Wiktionary: 444 words
  • Scrabble in French: 2 words
  • Scrabble in Spanish: no word
  • Scrabble in Italian: no word
  • Scrabble in German: 25 words
  • Scrabble in Romanian: 2 words

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