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There are 11 words containing 3E, 2G, O and U

EMMENAGOGUEemmenagogue n. (Medicine) An herb that stimulates blood flow in the pelvic area and uterus, causing menstruation.
EMMENAGOGUE n. a drug aiding menstrual flow.
EMMENAGOGUESemmenagogues n. Plural of emmenagogue.
EMMENAGOGUE n. a drug aiding menstrual flow.
SECRETAGOGUEsecretagogue n. (Physiology, medicine) A substance which promotes secretion of another, such as a hormone (e.g., insulin)…
SECRETAGOGUE n. a substance inducing or stimulating secretion.
DEMAGOGUERIESdemagogueries n. Plural of demagoguery.
DEMAGOGUERY n. the actions of a demagogue.
EGREGIOUSNESSegregiousness n. The quality of being egregious.
EGREGIOUSNESS n. the state of being egregious.
PEDAGOGUERIESpedagogueries n. Plural of pedagoguery.
PEDAGOGUERY n. schoolmastering, teaching.
SECRETAGOGUESsecretagogues n. Plural of secretagogue.
SECRETAGOGUE n. a substance inducing or stimulating secretion.
GORGEOUSNESSESgorgeousnesses n. Plural of gorgeousness.
GORGEOUSNESS n. the state of being gorgeous.
EGREGIOUSNESSESegregiousnesses n. Plural of egregiousness.
EGREGIOUSNESS n. the state of being egregious.
GLUCONEOGENESESgluconeogeneses n. Plural of gluconeogenesis.
GLUCONEOGENESIS n. the conversion of non-carbohydrate substances, e.g. amino acids, into glucose, also GLYCONEOGENESIS.
GLUCONEOGENESISgluconeogenesis n. (Biochemistry) The metabolic process in which glucose is formed, mostly in the liver, from non-carbohydrate…
GLUCONEOGENESIS n. the conversion of non-carbohydrate substances, e.g. amino acids, into glucose, also GLYCONEOGENESIS.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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