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There are 20 words containing 3E, F, I, M and O

BEFORETIMEbeforetime adv. (Archaic) Formerly, previously.
BEFORETIME adv. (archaic) formerly.
EFFUSIOMETEReffusiometer n. A device that measures the rate of effusion of a gas.
EFFUSIOMETER n. an instrument for comparing the molecular weights of gases.
ENFREEDOMINGenfreedoming v. Present participle of enfreedom.
ENFREEDOM v. (Shakespeare) to set free, also ENFREE.
EFFUSIOMETERSeffusiometers n. Plural of effusiometer.
EFFUSIOMETER n. an instrument for comparing the molecular weights of gases.
FELLMONGERIESfellmongeries n. Plural of fellmongery.
FELLMONGERY n. the preparation of skins for the tanner.
FOREMENTIONEDforementioned adj. Alternative form of aforementioned.
FOREMENTIONED adj. mentioned before in writing or speech, also AFOREMENTIONED.
FREEMASONRIESfreemasonries n. Plural of freemasonry.
FREEMASONRY n. spontaneous fellowship and sympathy among a number of people.
REINFORCEMENTreinforcement n. (Uncountable) The act, process, or state of reinforcing or being reinforced.
reinforcement n. (Countable) A thing that reinforces.
reinforcement n. (In the plural) Additional troops or materiel sent to support a military action.
AFOREMENTIONEDaforementioned adj. Previously mentioned.
aforementioned n. (Uncountable) The one or ones mentioned previously.
AFOREMENTIONED adj. mentioned before in writing or speech, also FOREMENTIONED.
INTERFEROMETERinterferometer n. (Physics) any of several instruments that use the interference of waves to determine wavelengths and…
INTERFEROMETER n. an instrument for analysing spectra of light.
INTERFEROMETRYinterferometry n. (Physics) The design and use of optical or radio interferometers.
INTERFEROMETRY n. the use of two telescopes separated.
OVERREFINEMENToverrefinement n. Excessive refinement.
OVERREFINEMENT n. excessive refinement.
REINFORCEMENTSreinforcements n. Plural of reinforcement.
REINFORCEMENT n. the action of reinforcing.
CONFIRMEDNESSESCONFIRMEDNESS n. the state of being confirmed.
INTERFEROMETERSinterferometers n. Plural of interferometer.
INTERFEROMETER n. an instrument for analysing spectra of light.
INTERFEROMETRICinterferometric adj. Of or pertaining to interferometry or interferometers.
INTERFEROMETRIC adj. relating to interferometry, the use of two telescopes separated.
OVERREFINEMENTSoverrefinements n. Plural of overrefinement.
OVERREFINEMENT n. excessive refinement.
REFLECTOMETRIESreflectometries n. Plural of reflectometry.
REFLECTOMETRY n. measurement by reflectometer.
REFRACTOMETRIESrefractometries n. Plural of refractometry.
REFRACTOMETRY n. measurement by refractometer.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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